Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What's In a Name?

Alot when it comes to our child!
WARNING: This is lengthy...

Here is the typical scenario that happens to Mick and I when we take Micah anywhere...
Someone walks up and says "Aww, he's so cute what's his name?"
I respond "Micah"
Mick responds "Micah Reed Seven Harper"
And then we must proceed into the explanation below everytime. I like Micah's name and it will always be unique but perfect strangers really don't need to or care to know the whole drawn out story. But my husband likes attention, I am sorry but it is true.
Some of you have asked about the blog title, Micah's name, etc. and I guess I need to clarify. It is pretty strange I know.
Since before we were talking children Mick wanted to name our child Seven. I mean his first name, seriously. I told him that unless it was our seventh child no way no how. He likes Seven because it is his baseball number, it was Mickey Mantle's number and Mick is named after Mickey Mantle and 7 is an important number in the Bible.
I said, who cares I want a name with real meaning a biblical name and a family name. So we chose Micah, good book in the Bible and good meaning of a messenger of God. Reed is Micah's middle name and that is Mick's mom's maiden name. We had it all figured out: Micah Reed Harper.
Then a week before delivery I got hormonal and started thinking it would be a neat present to surprise Mick and put Seven on the birth certificate. At the hospital ( on a lot of drugs) I told Mick he could put Seven as a 2nd middle name and he jumped on that like crazy.
So for better or worse our kid has no idea what he is up against. We figure he has to be cool to deal with all the name issues he will have.
When I was choosing a blog name I wanted it to be something different so I chose Seven answered prayers because we had prayed for Micah to be for quite sometime and I wanted to chronicle other answered prayers as well. I would like for there to actually be 7 of them, but Mick says he knows how to stop that and he would be dead by the time they all graduated! Just teasing honey!


Tracy Carson said...

Thanks Stephanie! Good to know the story! Love ya-

Anonymous said...

Thanks Girl! Glad to know:) He is one special little guy!!!