Wednesday, April 30, 2008
water, water, everywhere!
crazy week
Monday, April 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Sunny!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Our Boys First Haircut!
hot date
Friday, April 25, 2008
My husband new I was close to loosing it yesterday so he did alot of little things to make my day easier so much thanks to him. He even skipped a baseball practice to rescue me so I could go to work...for those of you who know him you know that is HUGE.
I had promised Micah we would go to this big playground but we didn't quite make it...he is struggling with his nap schedule. So, we just stopped at the very small playground in our neighborhood. All he could do was slide and swing with me, I thought he would be like yeah mom, whatever this is boring. The child cried real tears when we had to leave. I took a picture when we got home because there was this one big crocodile tear on his little cheek and he was just smiling at me. He had stopped crying because he had started playing with that silly dog of his. We are off to lunch with friends! I am not sure if you can see the tear in the picture or not...but here is my mistreated boy:
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
good enough?
I am sure that whatever the circumstance when things get tough each of us feels that what we are going through is the hardest. I am no different. I know that there are stay at home moms who feel as though there job is the hardest and it is...and I know there are moms who work outside the home and leave their children with someone else each day and they feel their job is the hardest and it is... Well, I stay at home with Micah sometimes (like during naps and meals) and then I take him to work with me sometimes during his waking and happy moments. I am so thankful that I have the kind of job where I can do this... knew there was going to be a but...On days like today though I think trying to do both is the hardest (although I am fully aware that I am kidding myself and there are many that have it MUCH harder) But I live in my world in my house with my child and it is all that I know, so pretend with me that mine is the hardest. Because I do both work and stay at home there is no real end and beginning with job and home time. It all blends together...I answer phone calls, trying to be professional while I wipe poop off my hand. I smile and refill someones drink, while trying to keep Micah from dipping his finger in it and licking it. I sing to Micah while I hang up bulletin boards. I find myself promising him just one more stop then we can go home... I try to read to, feed, play with Micah all while trying to ignore my phones buzzing. On days like today I wonder to myself, what am I accomplishing? Is this really good for Micah? Am I giving anyone my all? Is God pleased with our parenting? I once again rack my brain for a way to make money and not work...still nothing. So I will get up tomorrow and it will be a new day and I will pray that God graciously allows me to continue to do both and that I am not damaging my child in the midst of it all. I so want what is best for our family and I so pray and hope that doing the best I can is good enough, but today it doesn't feel like it. But today will be over soon...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I knew you since before you were born...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
life is short...
gettin lucky on prom night?
Most of the students behaved well. There were a few girls that had on dresses that were so short you could see far too much and most of those girls had to much junk in the trunk to be sporting the dress in the first place. Other than that there were holes cut out of dresses that made me thankful I have a boy...or maybe not. Poor Micah doesn't have a chance of guarding his heart or eyes when girls walk around half clothed...ok, wrong digression.
There was one boy who had a cane and a large wine glass with PIMP enscribed on it. He kept walking in to rooms and holding it up in the air...everyone would cheer and it was just disturbing to me. Sometimes these kinds of things hit me as humorous but this time I just wanted to go snatch it out of his hands and say, REALLY? pimp? is that what you want to be? Second of all he was white and not that attractive either, so the chances of him actually being a pimp were really very limited anyways. Kids today have no idea. Here was this middle class white kid thinking it is funny that he went to prom acting like a pimp. If only his momma knew how he was acting...or maybe she did know and thought it was funny.
It's official I am old and a real mother. I found myself almost talking to the silly kid. Even Mick had to say leave him alone. All I can say is the day that Micah even thinks about doing something remotely similar and stupid there will be consequences and reprecussions and they will be painful, no matter how old he is...
Other than that prom night was great and we were lucky to have a date, lucky to go see Paxton and lucky for nana to keep for getting lucky in any other way I will keep that to myself.
Friday, April 18, 2008
The events of the day...
Today has been extremely long and it is only 4:00. Amy had Paxton this morning before I made it to the hospital. Micah did too good and was ready for me to leave him with Nana but the Hill Family had another stroke of unluckiness(I don't believe in luck but I can't think of a better word) Mom's accord was stolen out of their driveway last night. What mean and awful people to come into someones place of living and take something so important from them. My mom was hysterical and Hayden just kept asking why the policeman was there. I think he wanted to make sure he wasn't there to get him. So, extra prayers for my fam please. I then took Hayden to daycare and regrouped to go see Aim at the hospital. I got there before anyone had seen him so all was still good. It was a good day there spending time with Aim and Brad's fam and two of Amy's friends that I think I can now call my own. I have decided that Lord-willing when I have my next baby I want Summer there to do the blog and Suzie there to take pictures. Amy has other friends from Berry so it is only fair she shares a few of them with me right? So, since Amy doesn't have a blog here are more pictures and memories. I am now home with Micah who is so big now after looking at Paxton. I am sure I will have so much more to write in the coming days, but I think I might try to rest after this whirlwind of a day.
Happy Birthday Paxton!
Pray for Aunt Amy and Paxton
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
What's In a Name?
WARNING: This is lengthy...
Here is the typical scenario that happens to Mick and I when we take Micah anywhere...
Someone walks up and says "Aww, he's so cute what's his name?"
I respond "Micah"
Mick responds "Micah Reed Seven Harper"
And then we must proceed into the explanation below everytime. I like Micah's name and it will always be unique but perfect strangers really don't need to or care to know the whole drawn out story. But my husband likes attention, I am sorry but it is true.
Some of you have asked about the blog title, Micah's name, etc. and I guess I need to clarify. It is pretty strange I know.
Since before we were talking children Mick wanted to name our child Seven. I mean his first name, seriously. I told him that unless it was our seventh child no way no how. He likes Seven because it is his baseball number, it was Mickey Mantle's number and Mick is named after Mickey Mantle and 7 is an important number in the Bible.
I said, who cares I want a name with real meaning a biblical name and a family name. So we chose Micah, good book in the Bible and good meaning of a messenger of God. Reed is Micah's middle name and that is Mick's mom's maiden name. We had it all figured out: Micah Reed Harper.
Then a week before delivery I got hormonal and started thinking it would be a neat present to surprise Mick and put Seven on the birth certificate. At the hospital ( on a lot of drugs) I told Mick he could put Seven as a 2nd middle name and he jumped on that like crazy.
So for better or worse our kid has no idea what he is up against. We figure he has to be cool to deal with all the name issues he will have.
When I was choosing a blog name I wanted it to be something different so I chose Seven answered prayers because we had prayed for Micah to be for quite sometime and I wanted to chronicle other answered prayers as well. I would like for there to actually be 7 of them, but Mick says he knows how to stop that and he would be dead by the time they all graduated! Just teasing honey!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
fun facts about Micahbird
me and my boy...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
date night!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Does satan make us sick?
what a night!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
pollen stinks! (not that I could smell it)
Micah is feeling better but I am understanding why he's been so grumpy because I feel worse today. I have a hot date tomorrow so this crud better leave tonight. I can't believe it is already Thursday, which means spring break for Mick is coming to an end. He and my dad are working on steps for the backyard because Mick has plans to make it presentable by summer. We shall see though...thanks for the continued prayers and hopefully tomorrow will be a new day.
Oh and he is still screaming at me...I wonder who will win this battle, it better be me!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
pit stop at the chicken stop
time away
Friday, April 4, 2008
away we go
We are taking the day off to pack and get ready for the lake. We are going there tonight after the ball game if everything goes according to plan(famous last words) Hayden is going with us, so it should be especially fun to travel with two very active boys. Next week is Mick's spring break and we are doing the cheap vacation by going to the lake house for a few days. How many days will be determined by how long Micah will sleep in the rickety old bed at the cabin. We shall see...I obviously wont be blogging since we don't even get 3 tv stations and for one of those Mick has to stand outside and hold the very large antenna. You think I'm kidding...I am not. It's always snowing on whatever we watch. It will be fun to get away and I will update you when we get back. My prayer is to get a slight break from my sweet child. Maybe a bathroom break on my own or a meal without green beans on my forehead. But I am learning that my plans are exactly that these doesn't mean they will actually happen. Maybe this is God's way of teaching me a lesson I could be taught no other way. As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another. I guess Micah is sharpening me!
Much love and I will miss reading about everyones life but I might be a bit more productive!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
one of those days...
Micah woke up in a bad mood and it has continued throughout the day. He has started yelling at me when he doesn't want to do something, eat, sit, etc. Which is bad at home but if you are trying to work while he does it well that is another thing altogether. I finally just gave up on my errands and headed home to play. Micah didn't even show any appreciation for me dropping everything and playing with down for his second nap he went. Hopefully when he wakes up we will both have a new outlook and I will have gotten some real work done.