Since we were so sick over thanksgiving I didn't get to do a post on what I was thankful for...that seemed to be last on my list. But God has truly given us so much. Not just in the people and stuff category...but in the meeting our needs category. So I am truly grateful to Him alone and hope that I can take that gratitude and apply it in this Christmas season.
One of the tangible things that God has provided lately is a true friend for Micah and I. It is so nice to have someone to talk to and have playdates with that is in such a similar situation in life. We have so much in common: our birthday, Much older husbands, boys close in age...etc...What is humorous is that while we have so much in common now we actually went to the same high school, new the same people, had the same teachers:) and yet never spoke that we can remember. It is funny (or providential) how God puts different people in each others lives at just the right time. I am thankful that God has blessed me with so many different friends, best friends really. I am thankful that Taron and Jaxson like to hang out with us because it sure does make our days more fun! Thanks guys! Hope you don't mind being talked about:)
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