Can you see my thighs burning?
I mentioned before that Micah got a trampoline from Mick's parents for Christmas. Micah loves the trampoline at gymnastics and Mick was determined he "needed" one this Christmas. He says it is good for agility...etc...even though the sign on the side of it says it isn't for children under six. I will say that it is nice to zip that baby up and let Micah go to town while I get some housework done. Just teasing...but he does just entertain himself in there. Something he rarely does. Mick is feeling a little under the weather so I got on to jump, jump with Micah bird today. I worked up a sweat and my calves were burning. I think it might be a daily workout for me. Micah was so cute, we took turns jumping...he would sit on the side while I did toe touches for him and then I would sit on the side while he did a seatdrop for me! I think this trampoline will be used quite frequently...the only problem is getting him off of it without a fit. So far that hasn't happened. Thanks again to Nana and Pops, for the trampoline, not the fits!
i like the hair from what i can see - taron
Did you get your hair cut? It looks really cool in the picture with you and Micah jumping!
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