Ok, so gash is a little extreme but here is how the incident went down...
Micah kept playing with knives in the dishwasher while Aunt Amy and I cleaned up. Brad and Mick seemed to just be hanging out while we tried to rangle the wild one so I suggested Mick take him outside. (bad idea!) Not three minutes later all the boys rush inside (not Paxton, he was upstairs sleeping peacefully until the drama began). I thought that they were mad that we stuck them with the kid then Mick turned Micah around and blood was running into his eyeball. Apparently Micah fell and hit the sharp metal corner edge of a chair. I shouted "give me my baby" while Mick tried to scrape a dry rough washcloth across the wound. Micah was calm until that started. Mick took him to "apply pressure" while Amy convinced me it was just a little scratch and would be fine. What was supposed to be a relaxing evening turned into a frantic packing for the ER. While it was a small cut it went kind of deep and kept bleeding...it wouldn't really stay closed and we knew with our wild man it might never heal without some help from the nurses and doctors. Our first experience at the ER was such a blessing. Micah did a good job looking pitiful and he still had on his "birthday boy" shirt so that helped with the sympathy vote too. People were pretty irate up there because they were waiting for hours. Mick and I decided if we had to wait hours we would just deal with a nasty scar...but they snuck us back in a hall way and the doctor came and glued it together really nicely. I don't even think he will have a scar. Incidently it is the same glue they used for my dad in the tree gashing experience. We were out of the hospital in a little over an hour...thank you Jesus! Brad and Amy, who were supposed to stay for dinner ended up cleaning up and leaving after we left. Thank goodness for good friends who understand. Plus having them there kept Mick and I from loosing it with each other since stress tends to turn you against each other a little bit.
Nana and Pops had to bring his seat to the hospital so we could feed the hungry boy...
The gash ...not so bad...
Micah kept playing with knives in the dishwasher while Aunt Amy and I cleaned up. Brad and Mick seemed to just be hanging out while we tried to rangle the wild one so I suggested Mick take him outside. (bad idea!) Not three minutes later all the boys rush inside (not Paxton, he was upstairs sleeping peacefully until the drama began). I thought that they were mad that we stuck them with the kid then Mick turned Micah around and blood was running into his eyeball. Apparently Micah fell and hit the sharp metal corner edge of a chair. I shouted "give me my baby" while Mick tried to scrape a dry rough washcloth across the wound. Micah was calm until that started. Mick took him to "apply pressure" while Amy convinced me it was just a little scratch and would be fine. What was supposed to be a relaxing evening turned into a frantic packing for the ER. While it was a small cut it went kind of deep and kept bleeding...it wouldn't really stay closed and we knew with our wild man it might never heal without some help from the nurses and doctors. Our first experience at the ER was such a blessing. Micah did a good job looking pitiful and he still had on his "birthday boy" shirt so that helped with the sympathy vote too. People were pretty irate up there because they were waiting for hours. Mick and I decided if we had to wait hours we would just deal with a nasty scar...but they snuck us back in a hall way and the doctor came and glued it together really nicely. I don't even think he will have a scar. Incidently it is the same glue they used for my dad in the tree gashing experience. We were out of the hospital in a little over an hour...thank you Jesus! Brad and Amy, who were supposed to stay for dinner ended up cleaning up and leaving after we left. Thank goodness for good friends who understand. Plus having them there kept Mick and I from loosing it with each other since stress tends to turn you against each other a little bit.
Bless his heart! I know your heart just dropped when you saw the blood. Boys will be boys. Glad y'all had such a good experience at the ER - truly a blessing and an answered prayer!!!
So glad Micah is OK!! I bet you guys were scared. Sorry we missed it! Hopefully I will see you guys soon. I haven't seen Paxton in almost 2 weeks...& he already looks different!
We're so glad we were able to be there for yall! Great pictures! Love yall!
what an eventful day. glad the party went well though.
Ah, sweet boy! That stinks but at least you didn't have to stay in the hospital forever!
Glad he is okay!! This reminds me of my LIFE!! The joy of BOYS!! We have been to the ER with head wounds and to give you credit. They seem really bad when you see the blood going everywhere. SCARY!! Loved the story though. It is a typical story when little boys are in your life. I am sure you will have many more to tell!! Have fun!! I am enjoying your blog.
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