I took this picture of Micah a couple of weeks ago and it reminded me of a photoshoot I did with Hayden. I went back and found that I had taken one almost identical (or one of our friends helped take some pics). It just struck me as interesting that Hayden was about Micah's age in the picture too. Just thought I would share our two favorite boys!
I am not sure how to blog about this part of my life but I am sure some of you wonder about Hayden and how he fits in our family and often why my sister isn't in any pictures...or maybe you don't. My sister and I are very different and I don't have a post long enough to go into the
dynamics of our relationship but at this point we are not talking. We have always been very close despite our differences but for some reason she has chosen to cut me out of her life for about the last 6 months...It is really hard and I can't think about it hard or I cry. At the time she cut me out, she also moved away from her children. Hayden lives with my parents and sees my sister occasionally...another long story. But Mick and I try to make Hayden a very special and important part of our family so he spends alot of time with us too. I say all this not to air our families dysfunction but to beg you for your prayers for my sister and her boys. She has another son 6 weeks younger than Micah that lives with his dad. Since I don't talk to her I really don't know what is going on with her... I would also be so thankful if you would pray for me and how I can go about mending a relationship that is so important yet so complicated.
dynamics of our relationship but at this point we are not talking. We have always been very close despite our differences but for some reason she has chosen to cut me out of her life for about the last 6 months...It is really hard and I can't think about it hard or I cry. At the time she cut me out, she also moved away from her children. Hayden lives with my parents and sees my sister occasionally...another long story. But Mick and I try to make Hayden a very special and important part of our family so he spends alot of time with us too. I say all this not to air our families dysfunction but to beg you for your prayers for my sister and her boys. She has another son 6 weeks younger than Micah that lives with his dad. Since I don't talk to her I really don't know what is going on with her... I would also be so thankful if you would pray for me and how I can go about mending a relationship that is so important yet so complicated.
How funny!!!??? I really see the resemblance between the 2 boys in those pictures!
Bless your heart. I can't imagine how hard, but I also know you are so thankful that you are able to serve your family by loving on little Hayden.
On another note - I would love to do lunch with you in Dville this summer. I'm sure the boys would love to play together too!!
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