Micah and I had a great time going to work yesterday. He really talked to everybody at the chicken house and they loved it. It could have had to do with the fact that I finally gave in and let Ms. Connie give Micah an ice cream cone. He will love her for life. Again the things I do to get work done. After work we came home to eat lunch and play outside. Nana had Charlee so we invited them over to play before nap time. Well when I told Micah his blessed Bay wasn't coming he flipped out! I mean the biggest fit I have ever seen. He finally got it together when Nana got here but lost it again when he realized Charlee and Bay weren't a package deal. Nana convinced him to play nice and he and Charlee Ray had fun jumping on the trampoline. He still wasn't in the best mood. After his nap we went to pick up Hayden and take him to the ball field with us. The boys had a great time and it's actually easier to take Hayden and Micah to a game than to just take Micah. Then we went and mooched off my parents for dinner. Yummy!
I used to think that people that talked about their child being in the "terrible twos" were just using code words for "we can't discipline our child" but oh do I get to eat my words again! Micah I believe has entered this state advanced as usual:)
Last thing, the head bonkin' is back in full force. This is how many times Micah either fell or ran into someone else and hit his head:
~at home on the trampoline with Charlee-small cry
~ran into Hayden full force and busted lips~huge cry
~fell in the bathtub and hit side of head~ small cry again
I mean really...I don't know what to do but to put a helmet on my kid...and with all the stuff about head injuries I am starting to get really nervous!
1 comment:
Hey Stefanie, It's me anne marie. My email is annemariefarmer@yahoo.com
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