Closing their eyes runs in the family.
Hayden and my dad came over to play and eat dinner with Micah and I since Mick had to work and Mom had Book Club. My dad actually watched both boys for 27 minutes while I went to work and got dinner. Definitely fun for Budda! Hayden later told mom that Dad went to work with me and that indeed, HE, Hayden watched Micah. Yeah right! We'd be better off putting Micah in charge. The boy does love some Haydee no matter what Hayden chooses to do to him. There favorite thing is to get a bath together and it is quite the rucous with those two...they feed off each other something fierce and I can only imagine if this next baby is a boy they could be a force to be reckoned with! Please Lord, no...I mean whatever is your will. So the boys both need haircuts bad so we attempted to mohawk their luscious locks and the pictures show what we got. The floor in the bathroom had more water than in the tub.
On another note, Micah has been feeling so good since his sickness. I mean he just loves life apparently sitting comatose with a fever for four days will do that for you. So he has been alot of fun. Even though I haven't been up to par I have so enjoyed being around him. *Don't get me wrong he still gets 2-3 spankin's a day and timeout a few more* BUT when he isn't kicking or hitting or screaming no, things are really fun. Just wanted to keep things realistic. So anyways, he is starting to talk in sentences which is really fun. He will put two words together pretty quickly and can say some pretty large words. My favorite right now are difficult (didicult) and disgusting (didusty). Both such boy words, right? So anyways, since he began talking he is changing so fast so I thought I should record how he's doing verbally. I know we are all shocked since those he came from don't talk at all:)
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