So remember how Micah's new word to say was difficult. Well, that he has been lately. We finally got him well and then I got the dreaded pinkeye, again! I guess I will just live in my glasses this month. I am one of those people who sanitizes everything so I was really frustrated when I woke up with crusty eye again. Anyways, that is better and we are going to lots of baseball games and hanging out outside where the weather is getting warmer. Micah and I have lots of fun together, BUT, he is becoming very difficult and it disturbs me. He is so passionate about everything...this is how I put it when I taught school and had a boy like him in my class. But his passion is really getting to me. He strongly protests any direction...he lives to defy the word no, and has learned to say "sorry" before he's even finished wacking me in the face. Not to mention when he is around other people, even people he loves, he wont hesitate to give them a big "No!" in the meanest voice possible just because they walked into his personal space. I know he is a toddler and maybe some will say it is a phase (I pray it is)...but it is really not fun to deal with in grace and love and discipline without screaming my head off or hitting back. Any ideas, advice, spells?
I've got nothing helpful except to tell you that Jayden has been going through the same thing for a while now. You heard the "no, mine!" just because we walked up to you and you dared to talk to him the other day. And he also will not be told no. I'm hoping its just a two-year-old-boy thing!
love the hair steph! too cute :]
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