Can we say jealous?
We had Hayden again tonight and he and Micah together are like two wild indians. They both just run and scream for hours. It is a little bit nerveracking but it is fun to see them have so much fun. How just running and screaming gives them so much joy is beyond me. Mick has been sick, sick, sick this weekend. He has had no voice so I have made up for the silence by talking twice as much. Only one more week til the thanksgiving break and for that I am thankful.
Two Funny Hayden conversations:
Aunt Steph, I know what I want for Christmas: a dentist set (he has seen the dentist 4 times this month for cavities, etc.)
I told him I didn't think Target sold dentist sets...he said don't worry I will tell santa at the mall and he will make it for me.
Hayden asked where we were going for dinner and Mick told him Olive Garden.
Hayden sat there for a while and when we pulled up he they sell plants here? (smart boy)
wow they look alot alike
I totally agree with Beth! I can't believe it! You really can tell with them both beside each other like that.
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