Friday, November 14, 2008

making friends...

I don't know about you but I am no longer good at making friends. Once you become an adult you don't have as many ready made places to form close connections with others like you. In high school it is what team you're on what club you are in, in college its what dorm you live in or what classes you take, in the workplace it is coworkers and committee members...I am in the inbetween stage. I work, but with an 18 month old on my side. And I have little time to conversate with adults in between his squirming and screaming. It's not me that has to make friends now but Micah and I together...because if you see me...then well, you see him too...and hear him...and smell get my point. So we have a few places where we try to make friends: church (so hard to do and you think this would be the easiest place), gymnastics, mutual friends, etc. The thing is I love making new friends and getting to know different people. God created me to want to be in relationship with others...especially women that can relate to my situation. We have met a new friend at gymnastics that we both like and have had fun playing with. She is very real and we both seem to appreciate that. (you will notice a lack of pictures lately because I haven't wanted to completely scare the new friend by making her take pictures with the psycho stranger from the gym). I don't think she reads my blog...but if she does she will probably find me so strange that we aren't friends anymore...but oh well. I am who I am, right?
My point to all this is that making new friends with a child in like dating a little bit. Not in a weird way. But you wonder if they think your child is insane? If they are hanging out with you because you are bossy or because they like you? If they find you annoying? Should you call, email or text to say you had a good time? Can I get out my camera for blog pictures or will she think I am that kind of mom? All these things may sound crazy to you and maybe I should hit the delete button on this post. But if there is someone out there who can relate I would love to know I am normal...hahaha. We all know that ain't so!


Alison said...

We have talked about this before. You and I met before the kids came along but I remember feeling like getting to know you was like "dating" a little bit. Sounds weird, but I totally agree with you on this one. I think I even said that to you and you still are my friend - I guess I was lucky. Anyway, here's to making new friends and thanks for being such an awesome one to me! :)

The Kimmels said...

It is really hard to make new friends! Im glad that I met you through Amy because otherwise I would have definitely thought you were weird and your child was insane! Totally kidding! You guys are the best. you are so beautiful inside & out. What's not to love? Can't wait til monday!

Sara said...

I TOTALLY AGREE!!! Moving to two new places after marriage has taught me a lot about making friends, and I am still learning! It is weird and awkward most of the time, trying to figure out, "Do I like you?", "Do you like me?". And what exactly is "normal" anyways??? Is anyone?

beth ewing said...

so funny b/c jon and i have talked alot about this. obviously we move more than the average couple so sometimes i feel pressure to make friends fast b/c we won't be there long. so it really feels like dating. but adding a kid to the mix is even worse...b/c what if you like the parents but the kids don't get along? i don't think it will ever be as easy as it was in college and that's a hard pill to swallow.

Anonymous said...

Who knew making friends could be so hard!! Try being married to a minister - it makes it even harder!!!
Anyways, Beth Moore's Stepping Up Bible Study has some fabulous insight into this- Seems like after "childhood" its a lot harder - I have to agree!!

Maggie said...

aww. stephanie, i love reading your blog. i like how you always refer to yourself as crazy. that is what i call myself! and making friends in california is tough too so i feel your pain!