Look at the form from us!
Sorry Brad I know you can see I have the safety strap flying freely!
We found a way to block Micah's ding ding finally!
Thank you floating hand for blocking Micah's manhood.
Our much needed break wasn't quite what we had hoped for...with being sick and then having to keep ourselves from others for a reasonable amount of time. But last night we went to dinner and then went to Aunt Amy and Uncle Brad's because they got a new toy. Micah may as well get used to going over there to play with the cool stuff. That is how it was for Aim and I as well. I always wanted to go to her house because she had all the cool things...tennis courts, hot tub, ping pong. The Dobbs got the wii game thingy. It was really fun to play. I think I got a nintendo when they were about 5 yrs old and I got the game that came with it and the little mermaid game, that is the extent of my gaming skills. So to say that I liked the wii means that it must be pretty user friendly. Aim is getting the fit stuff so she can work out, that should be pretty cool and I plan to mooch off that as well. The boys had the first of many baths together and we couldn't quite get a pg picture taken with their mohawks so these will do. Micah all of the sudden has refused to sit down in the tub. I have no idea why and he acts like it is painful to sit down. Strange! What is even stranger is that he develops weird things like that every day so I never know what is actually normal for the kiddo. So, anyways, thanks to the Dobbs for fun times. By the way, Brad and Mick took the whole wii thing far to seriously, surprise. Amy and I laughed through almost all of it.
It was so much fun last night!!
I tried to leave Amy a message on her blog, but could not get it to work! What is up? - peer pressure. I thought that she was not going to start a blog? Just kidding - fun to see the pictures! I wish that I had time, hopefully after I get caught up scrapbooking, I will start a blog. WENDY
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