and inspirations. Before I got pregnant with Sadie Jane I loved to run. I should probably call it jogging...but I like running so that is what we'll call it. The doctor told me if I wanted to get pregnant again one of the things that might help was to quit running. So I did. Then I had Sadie Jane and realized there isn't really a way to run with two children without a massive double jogger. So I just gave up. Then Amy called one day to see if I wanted to run. Prior to this we had our first grown up "coming to Jesus" meeting and we both cried because between friends, and babies and work we hadn't seen each other in ages and both of us thought the other was upset. After we got it all out there we are closer than ever and made it a point not to go that long without hanging out again. So when Aim called to run I really wanted to make an effort. But I should really put a picture of our legs up there because hers are twice the length of mine. (but put her behind a jogging stroller and she definitely gets the harder job!) So I run and run each day of the week...all in hopes to be able to both keep up with Amy and talk to her at the same time. I like to call it "Mondays with Aim" instead of Tuesdays with Morrie, or whatever his name was...My mom is so gracious to come by most Monday's and sit with my two kiddos so that we can run and talk. Other days I have sweet Sadie Jane riding in my handmedown stroller with flat wheels. That is a beast but baby girl smiles the whole way! Running has never been fun or an outlet for me but it really is now. I never thought it could be and running with someone is soooo much better than running alone. My next goal is to run in an actual race...not a marathon or anything...just a 5K or something like that. I am scared that I might look like I am standing still compared to other runners when I am actually a jogger. We'll see.

Wahoo! Go Stephanie, go!
Awww-that's sweet! Thanks, Steph! I never would have thought that you and I would be running together--never your cup of tea. Hehe! I am so thankful, though, that you enjoy it now, because you're keeping me in check! I love our Monday's, and am looking forward to tomorrow!! Love you!
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