Thursday, May 20, 2010

Falling Apart...

in more ways than one. So my posts have been upbeat for a while now so bypass this one if you are looking for a dose of sunshine. Cause I got none today...just teasing, lots of things are sunshine to me and Jesus has blessed me much but I need a moment to vent.

The boys lost last night. They finished in the top eight in the state and did awesome! We are so proud...more on that later. As the game finished we were sad but the boys did a good job so there were lots of hugs and tears. Then as Mick was bringing Micah to the car one of the moms just started screaming at him saying all sorts of hurtfull things. Completely out of character and I completely fell apart. As I sat there trying to load my babies in the car after what felt like the umpteenth ball game and then they just had a heartbreaking always I am most critical of Mick but he has done nothing but pour himself into this team especially and I am sure he has made some mistakes. BUT you do not attack someone holding their child nor do you do it the way it was done. I did not want to intensify the situation so I did what any mature adult would do...handed Sadie Jane to a nearby mom and went in the dugout and cried. I thought that was better than Micah not only watching someone yell at his Daddy but then his Mommy yelling at that person. I am still upset about it because I can not understand how any person could think Mick doesn't care about their kids. And I guess it really gets me when all I want to scream is, "he spends more time with your son than he does his own, and then you are going to say such ugly things!!" As always I just want to remind myself and you to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to gain perspective before you confront someone and say ugly things. I am still incredibly hurt and it wasn't even directed at me, but since it was at Mick it kind of was...but I try to stay out of that thing because I feel that for the most part that is better for my babies. We'll see if I can pray about it and let it go...I know that is what God wants me to do.

Micah woke up in an awful mood and pitched a horrible fit because he didn't want his Daddy to leave again. Heartbreaking and beyond frustrating at the same time. We managed to calm down and get him to school. After I dropped him off I decided to go to the doctor because...

I woke up this morning feeling awful, had been feeling not right and am having some health issues(already spent yesterday at the girl doctor)...but this was on top of all that... sore throat thing. Headed to the doc in the box (which I highly recommend for Mommas with babies and no one to keep them because it is so quick and easy) Did a rapid strep test and sure enough, strep for me.

Sadie Jane had been runny nosed all week, but due to ball hadn't been to the doctor so we headed there next. Negative for strep for her right now, but I am hoping she stays well...although the nice Momma who let her drink after me last night is wandering if the longer strep test will show otherwise.

Now to pick up Micah. I'll just have to hurdle the dishes, the laundry and the toys that look like an explosion went off in my house to get out the front door. Like I said we are falling apart.

Last, depressing paragraph is my sister is getting some test results back from a procedure she had and she meets with her attorney tomorrow. I would say things couldn't get worse, but I am afraid of what will happen with those two things.

Now Mom, before you go worrying, I know we are all going to be fine and God is still good and on His throne. None of this is a surprise to Him AND none of these things are really huge in light of eternity but nonetheless it is where we are...wouldn't want to put on a mask and pretend we've got it all together now would we?

Hopefully this makes each of you feel better about yourselves:) Just teasing...Debbie Downer is through writing this post...Stephanie will return later today after she gets some rest.

Pray for us and I'll pray for you!


blakley said...

hey girl sorry you are having a rough time. totally understandable! and sometimes we all need to vent a little and let it out before we explode. and good news: the doctor told me that kids under 2 hardly EVER get strep so hopefully that will be good for miss sj! :) praying for you to feel better soon!

Amy said...

Wow! Bless your heart! I am praying for you!

Sarah said...

Poor thing! Prayers of healing and strength directed towards D-ville :) Strep is THE WORST!! Hope you feel better soon!

The Kimmels said...

Hope you feel better really soon! Its hard to hold it together when you are healthy much less sick! I totally understand putting on a mask and pretending you're ok when you are not. Just try to be positive and be so very grateful for what you have been blessed with! I say this to you...but I am really saying it to myself. love you bunches.

Unknown said...

steph - i will keep praying for heather and if any you guys ever need anything let me know....i know we do not talk or hangout anymore but always here for you if you need me..