Yesterday was Micah's last day of his 2 year old preschool. He went on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 3 hours each day. At the start I was not sure about it at all (this is an understatement), but it turned out to be a blessing for our whole family. Micah's teachers were a perfect fit for him and by far that made the greatest impact on both he and I:) I am still considering homeschooling and working on doing some of it this summer to see how our family would flow with it. Micah is enrolled for two days a week next year in the three's and I think that will be a good balance for us to work at home a little and then at school he'll get the interaction with friend's and a different teacher. Plus, Sadie Jane and I will get a little time together again. Bless her heart her undivided attention is few and far between. I wanted to compile a list of my pros and cons for this year so here they are...
No temptation for tv when he's at school
time with SayJ
Interaction with friends
Different teacher to teach
Learned ALOT
Music, which Micah LOVED
Emphasis on learning about God
Had to wake him up alot to go
VERY cranky after school on those days
I don't know all of what influenced him at school
These are just a few things...I will add as I think of them. Gotta go get him out of in front the television.

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