Monday, April 20, 2009

My Handy Men

Yesterday we kept Hayden all day and I got a good glimpse at what life would be like in a few years if this bean in my belly is a boy. Lots of fun, but lots of work. The boys helped Mick plant a garden and build a deck. At one point I had to come inside and I was upstairs where I could see them all. It was so funny watching Mick try to plant tomatos while the boys either tried to destroy something or do bodily injury to themselves. I did go back to monitor but only after I had a good chuckle. Seriously Hayden was so good with Micah yesterday but Micah was grumpy. It is always one of them. This a picture of our little garden/deck. We are going to cut the stump down and add a few more plants and a few other things. But I think it is pretty good for a couple days work. Good Job Mick!

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