Hannah about to hit a homerun!
My bird feeling good:)
For those who know Des, she has turned all girly...even with a BOW in her hair...so funny!
Yesterday Micah was feeling a good bit better so we had a busy day. Regrettably so, in hindsight. I think we made him feel worse in the end. But we did have a good day. We stopped by his friend Jake's birthday party but didn't stay, just in case we were still contagious. Then we headed to Covington to watch 3 of Mick's softball girls play for Darton College. They were all 3 in the bible study I lead and like family to us. They were our kids before Micah. They have taken a backseat which is why this is the first game we've seen and they are in their second year there. Micah of course loved being at the ballfield...but on the trip there started coughing like there was no tomorrow. We almost turned around but he actually got better while we were there. The girls won the first game and we left before the second one ended. They are all so grown up now. I do miss making those relationships with Mick's softball team but for now that season has changed and fortunately I still have the older girls:) It is so much fun watching them turn into friends instead of students. I am so thankful for the time God allowed me to invest in them. I love them like they are my own and yesterday made me so proud! I know Mick was too, just seeing them succeed at the next level. I made Micah a tshirt to wear that said "Go Des, Steph and Hannah!" He loved seeing them and it was weird having Mick sit with us at a game. That has never happened. The girls played really well and Hannah even hit a homerun just for us! Hee hee!
That was the good part of the day. We had decided since things went so well that we would head to Disney today...and then we got home. Micah was beat so he went straight to sleep, of course it was 11:00! At 12:30 I awoke to Micah gagging and I told Mick that I thought Micah was throwing up. Sure enough we went in and it was everywhere. Poor bird...it was in his hair so I had to bathe him. He kept crying and then falling asleep sitting up while I was trying to wash him. Although it was a good day Micah would not eat, so we let him have ice cream and a milkshake and that was about all he would eat. Soooo, medicine and lactose apparently don't mix. We know we get the worst parents of the year award. So needless, to say we are here at home watching our Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Marathon while we could be at Mickey's House. Mick thinks his throat hurts so while we'd like to try to leave tomorrow we'll probably be here coughing it up all week. Joy.

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