Tuesday, April 21, 2009

how good do you have it?

I was just thinking...I have it pretty good. In fact I am stinkin' blessed...and so are alot of people around me and I am blessed mainly because of those very people around me in my life. I spent sometime this afternoon rambling around reading other blogs and thinking about the events of late. I have witnessed miracles of friends and strangers...babies being born, healings, freedoms from addictions. Lately it seems like alot of people I know in my small circle are sick, and not just with strep throat or pinkeye, but sick with cancer, possible loss of a child, a blood clot, heart failure or something life threatening. The weird (Godthing) thing is these people all have incredible graciousness, attitudes and spirits. Seeing them go through hard things I often walk away encouraged rather than saddened by their situations. Hmmm...it just seems that they feel like they've still got it pretty good. So I was just thinking how good I have it too and how quickly I forget to be so grateful for the things I have and the people around me. So thank you friend, for reading and being an encouragement to me. I can see through Jesus that He makes all things new in the way that He chooses and we can choose our attitude about His plans for us. I pray that whatever comes my way I realize how good I have it just knowing Him and knowing He is all I need.


Alison said...

Preach it, sister! A big amen to that.:)

Amy said...

Good points! Thanks for pointing out the positive sides here! Love you!

Anne Marie said...

So encouraging!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for praying for Sarah at the hospital! You are the real deal! I LOVE you!!

B.J. Morrison