The watering can that watered me more than plants.
This weekend we have spent some good quality time as a family. All that talk about Micah being terrible was apparently for my eyes only because once Daddy came home he has been as sweet as pie. I mean seriously the most fun I think in his whole life. Yesterday we went to see Aunt Amy's horse Strike for his homecoming. He was a little spooked by the change in scenery and the traveling so no one rode him but Micah got to feed him carrots and loved it. Aunt Amy made it so much fun for Micahbird. We had dinner with the Dobb's and Herendeen's and then headed home. We went to church today then came home quick so we could play outside in the beautifully hot weather. Micah and I sported our swimsuits (he being a whole lot cuter with backfat and a belly than I was) thank goodness for a privacy fence. We convinced Mick to join in the fun and then we had lunch outside at the picnic table. The water was FREEZING but Micah didn't hesitate to climb into his water table. Then he proceeded to chase me around the yard and soak me with his watering can. I wonder now how many times I will be splashed, thrown in and soaked in years to come by my little stinker. All Mick did was laugh. Thanks a lot. At times like these, I love my life.
1 comment:
I'm so glad yall came over. Micah did really well with all the animals, and I can't wait until he can ride him!!
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