at the ballfield. Last night was the night that Mick's school honors senior's at their baseball game. It is a good omen because it means the regular season is almost through. We have a game on Wed and possibly Friday then the playoffs. All of the senior's did great and we are so proud of them. Most of these boys have played Varsity all 4 years so that means we know them well, real well. While they did well we spent most of the game on the new and nice bull pen astroturf with Micah's friend Grace. Her brother is a senior and Micah loves to eat all her food and Grace loves to play with his toys. We had alot of fun.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Baby Day, I mean Senior Night...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
fun family time
The watering can that watered me more than plants.
This weekend we have spent some good quality time as a family. All that talk about Micah being terrible was apparently for my eyes only because once Daddy came home he has been as sweet as pie. I mean seriously the most fun I think in his whole life. Yesterday we went to see Aunt Amy's horse Strike for his homecoming. He was a little spooked by the change in scenery and the traveling so no one rode him but Micah got to feed him carrots and loved it. Aunt Amy made it so much fun for Micahbird. We had dinner with the Dobb's and Herendeen's and then headed home. We went to church today then came home quick so we could play outside in the beautifully hot weather. Micah and I sported our swimsuits (he being a whole lot cuter with backfat and a belly than I was) thank goodness for a privacy fence. We convinced Mick to join in the fun and then we had lunch outside at the picnic table. The water was FREEZING but Micah didn't hesitate to climb into his water table. Then he proceeded to chase me around the yard and soak me with his watering can. I wonder now how many times I will be splashed, thrown in and soaked in years to come by my little stinker. All Mick did was laugh. Thanks a lot. At times like these, I love my life.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Happy Baby Day to Amy!
(I didn't know I was boxing out on Sib beside me:()
Today I helped (I'll use that term loosely) throw a baby shower for my friend Amy who is having a boy in July. She is part of the children of the group of parents that started our Destin trip. We were also across the street neighbor's my whole life and some would argue to say that everything bad my sister and I know, we learned from her. (Just teasing, Amos) The shower was mainly thrown by the "adults" and us kids just added a few things to the shower. Amy got lots of cute things that made me want to find out what we are having soon! The shower was lots of fun seeing old friends and having an hour or two without the birdee. I can't wait to meet this already much loved Rex Bailey!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Today we had a busy and fun morning with our friends Taron and Jaxson. We have been trying to go back to the aquarium but something always comes up. Today we made the trek and both boys had a great time. Although chasing Micah wore me out. For the first part of our time at the Aquarium I thought I left my camera in the car. Then I found it. Then I thought the battery died. So, my pictures aren't really up to par here. Hopefully Taron will send me some of hers. I don't even have one of the boys together! Stink. The boys napping became an issue on the way home and I think we drove poor Jax crazy. He wanted to sleep and Micah needed to stay awake. Micah didn't take a good nap either so I think there was just to much excitement. We also had a picnic and played on the playgrounds at Cent. Olympic Park. It really was a fun day! Thanks Taron and Jax!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
the boy does love his daddy.
Since Mick is away alot lately Micah can't decide whether he should follow Mick everywhere and be real clingy or be angry with him and refuse to let him touch him when he finally shows up here. Every night its a crapshoot when Mick gets home as to what mood the boy will be in. As a sidenote: we have officially hit the terrible two's. Micah is rude terribly rude, then sweet terribly sweet all within 5 minutes. I don't know what to do with this boy. Anyways, this morning when Micah woke up he talked and sang every song he knows...which consists of "Happy birthday; Twinkle, Twinkle; ABC's, and a mixture of all three" then he started naming body parts. He then started to call "Mick Harpeeeeeer, Mick Harpeeeeer!" I thought I would die laughing. I tried to think of someway to capture it for Mick but he started getting mad that I wasn't coming...hey, I'm not Mick Harper kid. So I went and got him up and we've had an ok day.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
how good do you have it?
I was just thinking...I have it pretty good. In fact I am stinkin' blessed...and so are alot of people around me and I am blessed mainly because of those very people around me in my life. I spent sometime this afternoon rambling around reading other blogs and thinking about the events of late. I have witnessed miracles of friends and strangers...babies being born, healings, freedoms from addictions. Lately it seems like alot of people I know in my small circle are sick, and not just with strep throat or pinkeye, but sick with cancer, possible loss of a child, a blood clot, heart failure or something life threatening. The weird (Godthing) thing is these people all have incredible graciousness, attitudes and spirits. Seeing them go through hard things I often walk away encouraged rather than saddened by their situations. just seems that they feel like they've still got it pretty good. So I was just thinking how good I have it too and how quickly I forget to be so grateful for the things I have and the people around me. So thank you friend, for reading and being an encouragement to me. I can see through Jesus that He makes all things new in the way that He chooses and we can choose our attitude about His plans for us. I pray that whatever comes my way I realize how good I have it just knowing Him and knowing He is all I need.
Monday, April 20, 2009
My Handy Men
Yesterday we kept Hayden all day and I got a good glimpse at what life would be like in a few years if this bean in my belly is a boy. Lots of fun, but lots of work. The boys helped Mick plant a garden and build a deck. At one point I had to come inside and I was upstairs where I could see them all. It was so funny watching Mick try to plant tomatos while the boys either tried to destroy something or do bodily injury to themselves. I did go back to monitor but only after I had a good chuckle. Seriously Hayden was so good with Micah yesterday but Micah was grumpy. It is always one of them. This a picture of our little garden/deck. We are going to cut the stump down and add a few more plants and a few other things. But I think it is pretty good for a couple days work. Good Job Mick!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
numero uno
Today was Paxton's First Birthday Party. It was a Fiesta and quite festive. Amy and Brad (plus the grandparents) did a great job decorating and getting it all together, it was quite an event. We had sombrero's, Moe's, and a HUGE jumpy house with a slide. Micah loved it and only couldn't understand why it wasn't HIS party. He did sing Happy Birthday to Paxton and loved on him. Paxton did great, as always, and seemed to really enjoy himself. There were lots of people there and Mick and I had fun too. Here are some of the pictures. I will say I do not think people look better with sombrero's on, as a general rule. I'm just saying. Although the day was a success one of Aim's close friends, and a faithful reader of my blog went to the emergency room and is having some serious health problems, please pray for Sarah. We missed you at the party!
PS. Mick was in attendance, but apparently I was a camera hog today. Sorry, dear.
just me and micah
So I have mentioned a few times that we have been on our own this week:) Micah has done pretty well and surprisingly so have I. We did work alot and one day when we went to the grocery store they had their easter stuff 75% off. There was a stuffed sheep (I use that identification loosely) that was so ugly it was cute. I thought I would let Micah hold it while we shopped and then thought for sure he would want to put it back in its buggy bin home. But oh no Micah wasn't having it; he grew attached. So we payed the 2.50 for it and were on our way. Since then Micah has taken "sheepy" everywhere and carried it around the house alot. It is really cumbersome but on Friday I came back downstairs from getting the laundry out and found Micah and sheepy sitting in the chair. I don't know how he managed to get them sitting just so, but he did. The other picture is just Micah using the banana for a telephone. We always buy these because Micah sometimes eats them and they are good for him. But mainly he likes to play with the nana's way more than eat them. So these are just random pictures of our week together. Another lovely week starts Monday.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Micahbird and his Birdies.
Some of you may remember we had a bird's nest last year that Micah was so intrigued with...well Mommabird and Daddybird have returned and are apparently busy as usual. I think they have laid eggs in the nest again. Micah loves watching them and talks about them ALOT. Today we were supposed to go to the aquarium with some friends but our friend Jaxson is sick...say a prayer for him. Sooo, Micah was a little disappointed and I ended up working the whole morning on the phone, at the store etc. Then to top it off we had to go to the dreaded grocery store. So I decided we'd get birdseed and peanut butter to go with our pinecones in the front yard and make birdfeeders. Micah loved it and we had our own little craft time. This is really the first craft that I haven't actually ended up doing the whole thing while Micah runs off to something else. He was committed to the process, so much so that we made 4 pinecone feeders. Now, I know nothing about: birds, birdseed, making feeders, etc. So I don't know if the birds will eat our treats but I am sure our neighbors will love our tree out front. I know I do.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Super Duper Pooper!
We have had a relatively good day today. We had a rough morning with a long battle about hitting, but after we got past that Micah and I had a good day. This was our first day with no Mick at all. It is how things will be for the next few weeks due to the rain making every day from now on gameday due to makeups etc. Micah and I had a good dinner with Aunt Amy and actually got to hang out and talk to each other. After we got home I let Micah have his naked time before bath and he kept acting like he was going to go poopy. AKA jumping up and down shouting poopy poopy. So I kept picking him up and sticking him on the potty. But this really interupts his flow because he ALWAYS goes standing up:) But I saw the look in his eye and stuck him on it and lo and behold he went! Sorry for this post but this is our first and everything must be recorded. We have called both sets of grandparents to tell them and Haydee of course. Hayden couldn't talk after he told him because he was so weirded out by this personal information. Hope you aren't feeling the same. Here's to our super duper pooper! Don't worry I didn't take any pictures for this post...don't think I didn't consider it!