Wednesday, March 5, 2008

tired of teeth

There are no pictures today because we are both to stinkin irritable and tired to be smiling for pictures. Micah is having a teeth explosion in his mouth over the last few days. I feel for him I really do...but ...boy could I use some sleep. He just needs his mommy so much during this time. And then on top of things he had a fall today. It happens so fast and with his large head he always hits it first. Then there was blood. I tried not to freak out but I could not for the life of me figure out where it was coming from. It was on his hands and in his mouth but I could not find the source. It stopped pretty quickly so I guess we are ok but geez louise it scared me. I didn't let Micah know that...I always hated it when my mom freaked out when I got hurt. I always ended up crying not because I was hurt but because she was scaring me to death by acting so weird. Oh well, there isn't much exciting going on in our lives and I think I am going to be thankful for that today!


Amy said...

When did "the fall" happen? Was it after your visit to my class?

Amy said...

Also-did you see Sarah's comment on Suzie's blog? She's so funny!!!

beth ewing said...

way to go mom! staying calm is sometimes hard but you did the right thing. you're such a good mommy.