Monday, March 10, 2008


For those of you that don't know I have a very addictive personality. This is why I am glad I never tried maryjane or any drugs, etc. I know I would have been hooked. I tend to get addicted to things. If I find a shirt I like I want to buy it in every color. I love coca cola classic and have tried to give it up on numerous occasions but I just can't. By working at the chicken house I save roughly 60 dollars a month because that is what I love to eat. If I like something I tend to get addicted to it. One thing I really like is television, I wish I didn't but I do. Anything to do with relationships...which is why I love my soap opera- General Hospital...I love MTV reality shows, because I was never allowed to watch it when I was little(we didn't have cable anyways)
... and I love the Bachelor. So today is a fun day for me because there is a 2 hour bachelor special. Mick has ball games so unfortunately Micah will be subjected to my addiction. He usually naps during the soap opera or else I have to turn it off. Anyways, this is just useless info but I usually write about Micah so I thought I would confess some things. I would do one of those 5 things no one knows about me but who are we kidding there aren't 5 things that I keep to myself. My life is an open book...some wish it weren't but it is...
If you are still reading sorry for the silly rant!


beth ewing said...

i can relate to the tv stuff. i don't watch it during the day but i love my evening tv. i think part of it is b/c i've had to clean, watch miller and everything else all day. it's fun to not have to think.

Summer said...

I saw previews for the season premier of the bachelor and that guy is HOT and he has a really cool British accent