I have not posted anything in a while so today will be a little long. We made it through the tubes on Wed. with little incident. Micah was pretty fussy after and I cried a little bit too but all in all it went as smoothly as we could have asked. We had a long week with Mick pretty much gone constantly with baseball being in full force. So we decided to pack our bags and head to the lake Friday with Jenny (my mom) and Hayden. You don't realize how much stuff you need for one night. I will say it almost isn't worth it to go on your own but I refused to let the baby dictate our weekend.

This is Micah playing in the dirt. Yes, there is even some under his nails and he might have eaten some. He is all boy and loved every minute of it. We were just so thankful to be outside and to have some nice weather.

This is a picture of the boys racing. Micah must be checking a tire or something. This is Hayden's 3 wheeler. Never mind that we have counted the wheels umpteen times and explained it's called a four wheeler he still calls it a three wheeler.

Micah also loved the sand. I can't wait to go to the real beach and let him play this summer he will have so much more fun than last year when he was just a few months old.
Our trip went pretty well except for Hayden being in constant trouble. Boy is he a mess. I had to spank him a few times. I said I wasn't going to spank my own children and look at me now, I am even spanking other peoples children! He also bit Micah...I am already getting a taste of what it will be like when we have another child because I get to see Hayden act out in jealousy the way I am sure Micah will...
The funny part is that Hayden didn't come clean on what he had done at first. We were in the car and Micah started to wail...which he rarely does and we asked Hayden what happened. He said he didn't know. We were pretty sure he had done something but we just didn't know what. He insisted his innocence and I sent him to time out for a previous violation of running in the parking lot with cars. While in time out I guess his guilt started to sink in and he confessed to my dad that he needed to go find Micah and apologize...my dad asked why and he came out with the fact that he bit Micah. All is well now and we have discussed it in detail but I know someday I will want to recount this story to Hayden. For now we aren't going to leave them alone together until Dracula gets a little older.
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