Tuesday, March 11, 2008

high hopes

Well, I spoke to soon in my excitement for the tv. Micah has turned into a high maintenance baby again. I believe it is teething this time. We didn't get to watch tv last night because we went to eat with my parents and then forgot about getting flowers for the chicken house so we got home late then Micah wanted my full attention. Micah constantly has his hand in his little mouth. Poor guy...poor me. Today Micah turns 10 months! I can not believe it. He is into the double digits now and I have to start thinking about a birthday party. Hee Hee! Gotta go work but does anyone have any answers about teething? Could teething make him this grumpy and what can you do about it?


beth ewing said...

teething can absolutely make him that grumpy. if it gets too bad, you can try tylenol but i wouldn't give it to him every time b/c it won't work any more after that. i think they make baby teething tablets too. i've always just stuck it out and it passes eventually. we're back in that stage now with the back teeth coming in. fun!

stephanie said...

thanks for the info beth! you make me feel better because I know you've been there. when you get back to the states i would love to catch up because we aren't too far from alabama...