Sadie Jane has now reached the 18 month mark. She seriously seems to have changed over night a few days ago. She is talking more (finally:)). She is having fits (grrr.). She can walk in high heels better than I can. She loves to draw. She loves to fix her hair. She loves her Bubba. She still loves her Momma and almost to the extreme. She gets so excited for Mick to get home but she pretty much looses it anytime I head out of the house or the room for that matter. She has been such a sweet baby. My dad always called her Sweet Baby Jane, so that is why I titled the post that way. Sadly she is turning more into a diva than I would like and has such a temper. I was determined that my second child be less...well just less...but to my dismay she is so much...well more. I don't know where my children get it. I know that in years to come it will serve them well, but right now it just serves me up problems. It is so funny but SayJ and Micah can now really play together and when they are playing well it brings tears to my eyes, but when they don't I am really afraid we are going to end up in the hospital. Micah is so rough on SadieJane so it is no wonder that she is a bit hard to handle, BabyJane can hold her own. She is 24 pounds now, it seems she might never grow anymore, Micahbird kept increasing til he was two but she is alot smaller than he was. Her head size though, still holding its own in the 95th percentile. It is nice that she is small because at this age Micah got the temper tantrums and I couldn't contain him, I can get her under control, it isn't pretty, but it is possible. All in all, SadieJane is still alot of fun. I think she would be a much different child were she not Micah's Little Sister, but God gave her to each of us so He could make her who He wants her to be. I can not wait to see who that is...

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