We have Hayden this weekend. Our lake house area was hit really bad with a tornado last week so my parents have gone to clean up and assess things. Fortunately, our cabin was sparred and all our friends and neighbors are ok, some of their houses, notsomuch. So Hayden had a game last night and my two had never been to a ballpark where they didn't own it. They were obnoxious with their entitlement to go in dugouts and walk onto fields. We are going to have to work on understanding the difference in Daddy's field and everyone elses. Meanwhile I have never seen two be so proud and excited for someone else. Micah literally cheered throughout the warm up and through the game. He coached Hayden through every pitch. SadieJane would just yell "Go!" "Base!" , etc. Our girl of one work sentences. I had a good time but don't really look forward to singleparenting organized sports. We'll see how that goes. Today is our last Chapel Hill game and we hope to go out in style. The kiddos and I are excited to cheer on the panthers for their last game this season! Maybe we are cheering for them...or maybe we are cheering because its their last.
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