Sunday, April 24, 2011


Saturday was a very busy day. The kiddos and I had to finish up our Easter goodies and things while Mick worked a baseball camp. Paxton's Birthday party was in the late afternoon so SadieJane had to nap early and then after Pax's Wild African Safari Birthday Mick and I had a hot date at the prom!!
It was busy but a really fun day. Micah got his face painted and then shortly after decided it was a bad decision. I only got one picture of his with the cheetah face. He loved it for a few minutes. They also had a gorilla come to visit during the party. SayJ went NUTS. She was terrified, and quite honestly so was I for a minute til I realized it was just Dennis in the costume. We rushed home from the party to get dolled up for the prom...more pictures to follow!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

SO good to get to see you TWICE in one weekend!! Love the party (and prom!) pics!

I hope to see more of you and those kiddos this summer! Love you!