Friday, March 26, 2010

Price you pay...

to be a Momma with sick babies. Haven't had much to blog about due to my recovering from sickness as well as dealing with my babies. This whole time dealing with my babies being sick I have thought about the Duggars. I have not watched that show up until now, it comes on in the morning while I am nursing SayJ and it is just intriguing to watch a family of 19 kids. They are Christians and have some things figured is unbelievable how they make things work. Granted they have both said that God has called them to this life of babymaking, Mick assures me He has not called us to that. Anyways, whenever something happens with my TWO I think, oh my word, 19? How in the world. So today we headed back to the dr because Sadie Jane was up all night and hasn't taken a nap without being in her carseat for a few days. Lo and behold pink and fluid in the dadgum ear! when I went to get her prescription I started trying to total up what we'd spent in just the last two weeks with what started with a little germ...and then I stopped and I'll put it on the blog. It is good info to see in type and then I'll multiply and see what the good ole' Duggars are spending...

Double Copay Micah and Sadie Jane both sick.........70 buckaroos

steroid for Micah.........15ish

albuteral for breathing treatments...........20ish (*we had gotten a prescrip for something that didn't make him CRAZY but it cost 150!!! so crazy kid we got)

antibiotic for Sadie Jane.................20ish

Copay for Micah 4 days later when green goop was coming out the eyes......35 buckaroos

antibiotic for Micahbird......................20ish

Copay for Sadie Jane two weeks from original...................35 buckaroos

another antibiotic for SayJ........................15

tylenol, nose spray, motrin.........................15 buckaroos (with two everybody has to have their own so we don't pass the germs. ha.)

Grand Totalish: $245 big buckaroos*

*This doesn't include the stuff that I am too sleep deprived to remember nor the 50-75 buckaroos spent on my meds, visit, etc.

So, for those sweet Duggars, if somehow they managed to only share these germs with half of their kids they would be dropping somewhere around 1000 dollars on a two week sickness! Crazy to think about. No wonder they need some love from TLC.

Nana mentioned my lack of blogging and I know this post isn't going to make her happy since there are no pictures of our sweet things...those are soon as Mick gets home. Which is sometime in May...I love baseball.

Disclaimer: As I lay trying to take a nap I of course started to analyze my blog post. Something I do way too much since the anonymous comment. I did want to say I am WAY thankful that we have insurance, good doctors, medicine, me at home, and so much more. Even though things are costly I can not imagine having to go through with my babies struggling to get them well without proper treatment. Seriously makes me want to cry thinking about it. So I am definitely thankful for what God has blessed us with in our station in life and am foolish to not pray for those who aren't as fortunate.

And I think while we spent a good bit on all the meds and visits I have skipped my mall visits and eating out for a while so we probably saved money in the end. Ha!

1 comment:

blakley said...

Ha! I love that show too! I have thought about that same thing after recurring dr visits...funny blog! :)