I can not believe that my sweetest Sadie Jane is 6 months old today. It really does go by faster with the second. Sadie Jane is loving rice cereal nowadays, moving everywhere...and if you put a wipes box in the other room she can find a way to get to it. She is all smiles all the time. Except with her little ears. She still isn't sleeping through the night due to her constant ear pain. We are on our second antibiotic but I feel like we are on our way back to the doctor this week if things don't improve. She is so happy until you lay her down. She just refuses to sleep. Poor thing. I feel so helpless to make her feel better. Other than her ears she is doing great and loving life. She and Micah are best friends and Micah is constantly picking up things off the floor that she shouldn't have. I guess we should start baby food this week I am just not sure when we'll fit it in our day. I love this baby girl more and more everyday and her joy and sweetness make my life better.
Please pray that her ears heal and she doesn't have to have tubes. We had them with Micah and I would rather not go that route again, but will gladly do it if that is what we have to resort to...but I am praying we don't. And while you're praying if you could pray for me this week I would so appreciate it. There is just ALOT of stuff going on this week that is hard and emotional for me...so your prayers would be so appreciated. I know God is good and on His throne no matter what my circumstance.
Praying for you and Miss SJ! And where did you get that headband? I love it!
Cant believe that she is 6 months old today. Where did the time go. We hope she gets feeling better real soon. It is weird that she turned 6 months old today because Brian is celebrating his 25 birthday also today. Now that really makes me feel old. Enjoy yours while they are young because the time really does fly and they will be grown before you know it. love sissy
Those are such sweet pictures of SJ! So cute!!
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