Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm Sorry for Worrying...

Still no pictures from me as we are still a household under attack, not neccesarily from satan this go round(although I feel like he has something to do with it!)...we are under attack from germs and bugs! Yuck. So far the tally is up to 3 ear infections, fevers of 102 for days on ends, 1000's of coughs, 5 sleepless nights and lots of lovin' from Momma (and Daddy when he isn't at the ballfielld). Sadie Jane and Micahbird have taken turns on the sick train and I woke up this morning with a sore throat and am praying it off as hard as I possibly can. Right before our second trip to the doctor we found out we had also been exposed to head lice. Ahhhh...I can not stand those nasty bugs and I obsess about it if we are ever in contact with it. So far so good...but I have found it hard pressed to do anything while waiting to see if they strike besides obsessing over our heads...

So I wanted to say a little bit about worry. I am looking up every verse about it today because I have found myself paralyzed by it and I know that God calls us not to worry but to trust Him. I hate worrying, it makes me sick mentally and physically. It's not that I enjoy worry, but I feel like I can't help it. But I am sure that I can, somehow. Can't I? And then I worry that I'll never stop worrying! Eekk! All this sickness and issues with relationships has sent my worrywartness off the charts!! It is seriously interferring with my life so I know it is something I need to handle. But I am not sure how. The other thing is that because I worry so much I apologize almost as much as I worry. Which when I talk to others I can tell they are annoyed by my incessant need to apologize for almost everything. But if I don't say I am sorry I worry that someone is mad at me for something...sheesh...ugly sin cycle. So this is a bit of a downer post but just sharing what is on my heart. Hopefully things will start looking up the more I let go and let God. I wont apologize for it or worry about it! Ha! I had been so excited about St. Patrick's Day because Micah's favorite color is green and I had all kinds of plans to make crafts, discuss the Christian meaning and dye everything we ate green! But such is life and we have gotten through one craft that didn't quite workout. But they'll be pictures nonetheless...

1 comment:

Tiffinnei Weatherford said...

Hey there...I ALWAYS read your blog (and love it) but I never comment. You are so open with your feelings and about your life. My husband and I go to Ephesus and we just had an entire Sunday devoted to the dreaded WORRY. Please go and listen to the sermon online. It was life changing for my family. There are notes that you can print and follow along with as well. I promise it will help!! We were overcome with worry and since we heard the sermon it is like a calming peace has covered us!!! Amazing!!! Peace to you, Tiffinnei Weatherford