Monday, September 7, 2009

Panther Labor Day!

Kisses for his favorite person.
My boys!

Snack time at the field.

Watching and waiting for the game to be he can go hug Daddy!

Mick and his team had a tournament Labor Day weekend. I know, thanks Coach is what I say to that. Micah and I had a good weekend though and today went to some of the games in Cartersville. Micah was having serious Daddy withdrawals and cried "I want my Daddy" at the end of the first game. Then he got busy playing with the girls on the team and he forgot about his drama. Mick is in his 11th year coaching at Chapel Hill and he might have the best team yet...and he has had some really good teams. After this weekend they are still undefeated 15-0. Which to me doesn't mean as much but to Mick it is really exciting. So I am so proud for Mick and the girls. We had to drive along way to get there and we couldn't stay long but Micah was so great and he is getting his bath now to get ready for his first day of school. Please pray for me at 9 in the morning! Here are some pictures of Micah in his momma-made shirt and of he and his Daddy since he is such a Daddy's boy right now.

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