After Story time today we went to Hunter Park with our friends Jaxson and Taron. I had been sick for a few weeks and then as soon as I got well Jaxson got sick so we hadn't been able to hang out in quite sometime. Micah was soooo excited to see them and actually so was I. Taron wanted to let Jaxson feed the ducks and I let Micah reluctantly. For those that live here you know that the ducks at the park are cruel and disturbing and I sweat the whole time anyone feeds them. I took Bay one time and got so scared I picked her up and we literally ran to the car as the ducks chased us when we were out of bread. Apparently they can sense fear. Taron took charge and kept them from scaring me too badly...that's what friends are for, right? We let the boys play on the playground for a while and then let them come get on an old choo choo train and play. Micah loves that train and thinks that he really drives it. I went to get my camera to take pictures...because everytime we go somewhere now I get all sentimental that this could be our last time as just the two of us...But by the time I got the camera the weird weather warning sirens went off and Micah went nuts telling us to listen. We went to lunch with the boys and even had a few conversations in between bathroom trips. Nothing spectacular about today, but just so thankful that we can have days where we enjoy friends, outdoors and learning! Thank you Jesus, we are so blessed.
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