I think adjustment would be a good word for today. Micah did great for school today. He walked right in and was extremely happy when I picked him up. I of course was a bit emotional but never went into full on sob mode...which is good for me. I did see quite a few mom's in their cars wiping some tears so I didn't feel so bad. Although their kiddo's were probably starting prek 5 days a week and mine was just going for 6 hours:) I was very proud of how Micah did and we had a great talk about school in the car. Then he wanted to go to CFA and I should have just headed home. Things went downhill from there and as I write he is still not down for his nap...I am beyond frustrated and my two hours of semi peacefulness seem an ugly trade for what we've endured after the fact. Hopefully after a few days of getting used to things he wont be quite so wired when he gets home. I guess I will chalk it up to transition and adjustment and pray for a better day for both of us on Thursday.
Edited later: Ok, so I just reread my post and I sure do seem like negative Nancy...so here's my second go at being positive Peggy instead:) I am so thankful that Micah walked right in with no tears to school at all. He didn't even look back, literally. I of course loomed outside the window for 5 min. making sure he never looked back. I also drove back to "drop off" his shot records so that I could send in a spy to check on him again. As I drove away from the school and felt the huge lump in my throat and the feeling that I might vomit I thought of Micah's poor wife one day. What in the world will I do on his wedding day if I feel like this when dropping him off for a few stinkin' hours. God help us, seriously. Anyways, I also recalled how my mom used to park at the playground for half the day waiting for me to go to recess so she could check and see if I was ok. I thought that was ridiculous until I considered doing the same thing today...I didn't only because I had commited to work...on purpose so I could discipline myself from being well, what I am, ridiculous. When I picked Micah up he was so excited to see me and wanted me to hold him. Nothing better than that. He was tired and I should have taken him home. I think our whole fight and naptime nonsense was a product of overstimulation and I refuse to let it ruin a special day for us. So, that is that. What's done is done and I will choose to be glad that I have teacher's willing to invest in my child's life and a child who while challenging still makes me want to vomit knowing I have to leave him. That is some strong lovin' I tell ya...and if I love him (and now Sadie Jane) like that...how much more does our Heavenly Father love me and you! I am loving and needing His love everyday, but especially on a day like today and He is faithful to give it. Thank you, Jesus.
So glad you went through this for Micah! He will love it so much and when you get adjusted, you'll enjoy the time also! Hang in there! I know! I was one of those preschool teachers and the mom of preschoolers also! It WILL get easier!
I have been out of town and just read your last few postings. I know I don't have kids, but I definitely think you are doing the right thing by sending Micah to be with other kids and adults even if it is for a few hours a day. It will be crucial for his development. He will learn to 'play nice' with his peers and respect other adults and discipline. Keep your head up and you will see that everything will work out in the end -- it always does.
Way to go Micah - my sweet little angel nephew! Wendy
Glad it was a good experience, for him, anyway! Thanks for the editted part, too:-) Love yoU!
I'm glad that he went in without crying! Jayden cried the first day when they came to get him out of the car and he realized I wasn't staying. Today, however, he started crying at the house before we even got in the car and cried all the way to school! Talk about wanting to stay and spy! I have been the first car in the pickup line every day because I spend the whole time he is gone worried sick about him! He has come out of school happy and telling me how much fun he has had both days, though. I know it is going to be good for him once he gets adjusted. I'll pray for you if you'll pray for me:)
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