Each supper club has a theme..this one was asian inspired...
Mick had planned a date night for us last night to get out and also to get some last minute things done. Then we also found out the Supper Club that we are in (but never get to go...because we don't usually have a sitter) was the same night. So we decided to do dinner by ourselves, get a few things done then head to the get together with friends. I will say it was a welcome change for me. I didn't feel great for the first part of it but we got the things done we needed to. We made Micah a Build-a-Bear from Sadie Jane to have at the hospital so that way he gets a present from her right away and hopefully thinks of her like we do- a gift from God - not a threat to his position:) After that we did dinner and babiesrus. Still need to finish up there but got a better picture of what we need. And then off to supper club with 6 other couples. I will say I have forgotten how fun good fellowship with a big group can be. With Micah I just never want to leave him, but in doing that I don't get alot of adult time and I will say it made it all the sweeter. I am looking forward to making it more of a priority this year. Thanks to Nana for staying late and taking care of Micah Reed. He got to go to Pops football game with Aunt Wendy and the girls and had a great time!
Yes and let me say Micah did not leave my arms - he loves his Aunt Wend We! We were walking to the home stands to get a better view of the band and Nana said I should let Micah walk (he is way heavier than my girls were) and I said no Micah wants me - he looked at Nana and said Wend We wants me! - or something close to that... He did not leave my arms for about an hour or so and loved the band!
Shower - what shower - I must have fallen off the Harper Wagon??????? mkm
It was so great to see you! You looked just beautiful. I hope I look half that great when I get pregnant one day! We'll be keeping you guys in our prayers at you anticipate little Sadie Jane's arrival.
Got the invitation today - 9-21-09. PO sent to wrong address even though the envelope was addressed correctly. Sorry to have missed it - thank goodness I'm still on the Harper Wagon. mkm
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