Thursday, September 17, 2009


So my time with the bird is dwindling and he and I both seem to be a little bit tense about it. We are both prone to more fits and crying spells and both seem to be irritatingly clingy. But such is this season. I am writing about a silly topic today because I know in the days to come the frivilous things will not be documented...maybe they shouldn't be anyways:) But Micah created a new word a couple of weeks ago and I have no idea where it came from...he says "donda" all the time. He isn't referring to anything else because when I question him about it he repeats that I am saying it correctly. Not like when I misunderstand and he shouts louder and louder what he is trying to tell me in glass which sounds like a variety of other things when he says it. But donda comes in front of things "donda mommy" or he requested two nights ago that Mick sing "the donda song" and when Mick said he didn't know it...Micah sang it for him "donda, donda, donda!" Most of the time this word is also very funny to Micah and he likes to say it at strange times and people look at us like we're strange...which we are... Anyways, just wondered if anyone elses child picked up a word like this? I know Bay had an imaginary friend named Anga that was a word we had never heard but I think Micah is referring to a verb?


Amy said...

donda is actually spanish for where. So would it fit when he says, "donda mommy?" that he's saying, "where mommy?"

I don't know the donda song, but has he been watching Dora or another show that introduces Spanish?

Either way---it's cute!

Amy said...

If I'm wrong---Suzie correct me here:-)

The Kimmels said...

Donde is where in spanish. You knew I would correct could be what he is saying. My niece speaks spanish and english which makes things confusing. Is he learning spanish at school?

stephanie said...

i hadn't thought about spanish...could be from either school or tv. it started about that time so that could be. although he doesn't always use it in context and he often just says it sporadically. but that could explain its origin:) thanks smart ladies!

Anonymous said...

Ask Mick - he said "goonkanack" - I am sure I did not spell it like he really said it - amybe Mom or Mick can tel you more ~ wendy

Anonymous said...