So this week has been a long week. Monday and Tuesday were terrible days for Micah. He just couldn't quite get himself together. He was in constant trouble and even his friends at the chicken house noticed his ornery behavior. Thursday I decided that I would make the morning all about Micah. While I am only working a few hours a day...dealing with other things takes up the rest of that time and keeps me on the phone constantly. I decided Micah, while he in no way is neglected might be in need of some undivided attention. It was just what he wanted. It was also what I needed to. I had gotten so busy that I was missing the little things he does. Here are some funny and neat things I have seen this week:
~ We are still running every day and yesterday we ran in the afternoon because it was to cold in the morning. I asked Micah how it felt outside, because he headed out of the garage while I was putting on my shoes. He looked at me and then put his hands on the ground to see how it "felt". My very own Amelia Bedelia...brought laughter to me.
~Micah has tee teed in the potty at least once every day this week. He still tee teed in his diaper lots more than that no doubt. But at least he is getting used to riding the porcelin pony! (That is how I am doing it with him, I turn him facing the pot and have him straddle it)
~His main reason for getting in trouble this week is hitting. (swatting, slapping..all of the above.) He hits random people that are within his reach, small babies at playgrounds and cute girls in his gymnastics class. So, I was trying to talk to him about it yesterday. I was telling him we love other people we don't hit them. I was reaffirming by patting or rubbing his arm. We were sitting on the stairs having this conversation and it was like he all of the sudden got it. He jumped up and hugged me all the while patting my back. Now I am sure there will be no more hitting since I explained it so clearly...yeah right.
~It's no secret my life isn't what I want it to be right now and I struggle keeping it all together myself. But at one point I was on the phone(again) this week and usually Micah whines for me to get off. But I was trying to get something accomplished and he was playing so well. I started to get upset and he just came over, didn't try to grab the phone or any of his normal disturbances and he just layed his sweet little head on my shoulder and hugged me. He did this two or three times during the conversation. My little boy just reaching out and being Jesus to me and he didn't even know it. Thank you, Jesus!
~His main reason for getting in trouble this week is hitting. (swatting, slapping..all of the above.) He hits random people that are within his reach, small babies at playgrounds and cute girls in his gymnastics class. So, I was trying to talk to him about it yesterday. I was telling him we love other people we don't hit them. I was reaffirming by patting or rubbing his arm. We were sitting on the stairs having this conversation and it was like he all of the sudden got it. He jumped up and hugged me all the while patting my back. Now I am sure there will be no more hitting since I explained it so clearly...yeah right.
~It's no secret my life isn't what I want it to be right now and I struggle keeping it all together myself. But at one point I was on the phone(again) this week and usually Micah whines for me to get off. But I was trying to get something accomplished and he was playing so well. I started to get upset and he just came over, didn't try to grab the phone or any of his normal disturbances and he just layed his sweet little head on my shoulder and hugged me. He did this two or three times during the conversation. My little boy just reaching out and being Jesus to me and he didn't even know it. Thank you, Jesus!
1 comment:
pheww! I thought I was going to break out in hives for a moment there. I was having some serious withdrawls. no seriously, I know I am not good at being a phone friend so I make up for that by being a blog friend. haha.
I just want you to know that I think about you guys CONSTANTLY and I pray for you daily. Just thought you should know how much you are loved. I miss you! Hope to see you guys soon!
By the way - I LOVE LOVE the stories about Micah this week. I love that babies take you so literally and that he actually "felt" the ground! I also think that its precious when that sweet little boy knows exactly when his mommy needs a hug. He is such a blessing!
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