Thursday, October 9, 2008

6 uninteresting things about me...

So I don't really know how these little tag somebody chains go...but I am going to do it for a few reasons. First, no one ever tagged me before so I thought it special to be tagged. Second, I want the person who tagged me to know that I do read her blog...if I didn't make the list she might not know. And lastly I thought it might be a welcome change to my otherwise depressing and needy posts.
1~I don't eat fruit. Try and stump me...I don't eat it.
2~I watch General Hospital almost every day...I justify it by working while I do it...but I know that doesn't make it any better.
3~Even though I don't work that much and it is from home, I wish I didn't have to do even that.
4~I have about 40 best friends. Most likely if you are reading this you are one of them. Like it or not you are...
5~I have a spastic colon. don't want to know anymore than that.
6~I eat Chick-fil-a every day for lunch, except Sundays and an occasional Sat. It is free for the most part and I am cheap cheap..and I honestly love it most of the time.
So, this is about uninteresting as you can get...after reading these things even I am a little bored. So sorry I am not going to tag anyone else in fear that no one else actually reads my own blog...then I would be sad.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Maybe your spastic colon has something to do with the fact that you eat chick-fil-a EVERYDAY!! I mean, I love the place too, but I can't handle it THAT much!
While we are on the subject, Chick-fil-Awesome was a lifesaver after we made our move this summer, especially the first two weeks with no refrigerator and no internet...A place with free WiFi AND an indoor playground...add in a milkshake and you've got a mom's dream come true!