Ok, just laugh!
The balance beam with Daddy
Micah and two of his gymnastic friends...we were missing his a few of his buddies.
Tonight was gymnastics night for Micahbird. They were allowed to dress up. I was going to put him in his actual harvest party costume, but it is quite cumbersome. I remembered I had an old dog costume Hayden used to play in that I got at Kohl's for 3 dollars. You know Kohl's, always a sale, always. So I dug it out and it fit. I didn't really like it but Mick thought it was cute. We settled for our little puppy dog and Micah loved wearing it around the yard and at gymnastics. I guess I didn't like it as much because I had seen him in his real costume and it is so stinkin cute. (to his momma anyways) Friday we are having a harvest party (halloween scares me so I say harvest) and he will debut his costume then. We've done the trunk or treat, mall walk and others and the party at our house is just so much easier! I know you just can't wait to see our birdie and what costume could be cuter than the dog. Well maybe just Jenny and Nana are awaiting it!
Disclaimer: I always thought that once I had children I would not celebrate Halloween, because it is scary and all that it entails. But then I had a child and realized that it is what you make it...and we are making it a fun time to fellowship with friends at our house. We are making it just dress up and eat up and take lots of pictures. We don't go all spooky we just do harvesty things and I hope to in the future use the party as a precursor to thanksgiving. Starting off a season of thankfulness and eventually when the kiddos are older have crafts that involve getting our minds set towards gratitude. Just some random thoughts I thought I would put out there.