Thursday, September 4, 2008

last night...

Last night we had some good ole' family time. Which consists of all three of us laying in the floor. Micah has officially made it his mission to climb on the couches constantly. It started when he was snotty and I sat him in the middle of the couch and told him "don't move" and hold up my hand while I go get something. Micah finds this hilarious to move right after he repeats what I say and holds up his little hand. Ok, last night he climbed into his spot and put his doggy and penguin up there with him. Then he got down and got his tennis raquet and milk and got ready to hit the ball. Mick started throwing him the ball and he would either hit it or pick it up after the miss and throw it back. I got the camera and miraculously he kept playing. I wanted to get an action shot...that is why there are so many shots. I love that about every three hits he had to stop and take a milk break. That is how his Budda plays tennis too, but it isn't a milk break he stopped for...water either:) Just had to share...Can you tell we missed our bird while we were gone?

1 comment:

Summer said...

Already practicing tennis! He is going to be ranked when he is 5 ;-)