Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Amy's MiniBlog

Paxton and the Papparazzi

So since Amy prefers to use my blog to share with people...I thought I would give their fam and pictures their own post:) Paxton was a perfect baby on the trip. In fact in my previous blog I didn't mention him because he was so good that I forgot. Well, I didn't really forget I just new I was giving him his own private section. It was fun hanging out with Pax without Micah, because I got to actually hold him and play with him. I will say even though I had the first child I am learning things from watching Aim and Pax. She is so lax and go with the flow and I hope next time (if there is a next time) that I am more like her in that way. Suzie is an excellent photographer and had a little shoot with The Dobbs crew and they turned out great. These are some of the ones that I took during it, and while they aren't Suzie quality I thought I would share a little more Paxton with everyone!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love it-my own mini-blog!!! You're so sweet! Thank you for the kind words. You have taught me so much about being a mother, and I am so thankful to have you around for the advice!! Love you!