Thank you so much to everyone who is praying for me and my family. Please continue our battle has only just begun and I am not even sure where we are going from here. For those that don't read my other blog, my sister is in jail. After a failed attempt at taking her to rehab this past week she then found out there were warrants for her arrest. She is now in jail and those details and issues are too complicated to even explain. If you want info feel free to email me. I will just say that meth is satan's vehicle of choice and if you know anyone who is on it do everything you can to get them off of it as quickly as you can.
I decided I didn't want this post to be about my sister. I care for her, love her and am continuing to fight for her. BUT this week has also had another focus..and that is God's provision. That is what I am seeing more clearly now. There were so many people praying and helping that I couldn't have made it through without God giving them the ability to mirror Christ to me. I am so thankful for that.I couldn't possibly list all of the things that people did to help out, but I wanted to share a few here. Again, I am no fool and I know that this week is just a glimpse of the next few years of our lives but I must choose my perspective at this point and at this point I am choosing to focus on God and what He has done, not on what satan is trying to do.
I posted a few pictures of people who God has used this week...
1) The first picture is a high school student, she is actually in Mick's class. We know her through a few different connections and have always just really liked her. Micah especially likes her; she works at Moe's one of our favorite places to eat...so we see her there too. Mick has shared with his classes what is going on and hoping to use it to save some families heartache before they go where we are now. Ashleigh(the girl in the picture) called Friday and said she wanted to stop by our house. She came with brownies in hand. That in and of itself is an awesome gesture...but she then explained to me that a few years ago when there had been a suicide of one of the boys at school we had all the students gather at our house to pray. She was one of those students and we barely knew her then. But she says that that night I made cookies and told them that I knew there wasn't anything I could do or say, but I made cookies to try to make them feel better and she wanted to do the same for me. Tears well up in my eyes just thinking of the magnitude of our actions.
2) This picture is a picture of my dear friend and coworker Alison, Micah is actually trying to kiss her. This week she has simply answered the phone everytime I called and listened and then spoke truth to me. She has prayed for me constantly and asked others to do the same. She has said so many times in our MANY conversations that she wishes she could do something to help me...and ironically she has done so much.
3) You all know who this is...the girl with no blog...Amy...she is my best friend from birth and even just trying to type about what she has done for me this week I start to cry. She has offered counsel, got on the computer at 5 in the morning, called her psychologist dad in las vegas, enlisted countless others to pray, put her life on hold, given up a school day, forced me to be real and been my partner in numerous detective operations. It is quite strange that my sister herself feels very threatened by her...the reason being Aim has been more than a sister to me and I will never be able to repay her for it...
4) Nana (and Pops) have stepped in and taken care of Micah when I couldn't. She hasn't asked questions, she hasn't known the situation she just did what we needed and took care of the most important person to Mick and I...
5) The last picture is Mick of course. Who has had the hardest job of them all. Dealing with me 24/7 while also trying to work and keep me sane. He has again shown me Christ and stood firm as I wavered and crumbled a few times. He has reminded me of truth and never once questioned what needed to be done. He has spent his time encouraging me while having to take a backseat to this battle that is waging in my brain. He has loved me and done things that I can't even list but I know that God gave me him as my partner because we are a stronger force for the Lord together than we are apart and we proved that this week.
There are of course so many others who have prayed and made an impact on me but I thought listing these few would help me to focus on something other than the issue at hand. Please keep praying and asking God to do a miracle both in my sister's life as well as give our family discernment in what to do next.