Last night we had dinner with Aunt Amy, Uncle Brad and Paxton, sort of. We all were at the restaurant but Micah took only an hour nap yesterday so he was so tired and cranky. So I would sit and eat and then take Micah and we would do the switharoo so Mick could sit and eat. The Dobb's are good enough friends that I don't think we even apologized. Perhaps we should have...or perhaps that is the last time they invite us to dinner. They did come back over for dessert where Micah was comfortable being at home and we were able to actually conversate in some ways. Pax was all smiles except for when he puked all over our couch...poor guy! Seriously he is getting such a personality. He laughed and smiled and cooed even though he was seriously sleep deprived. Hope he slept through the night Aim!
Often I talk about things that go wrong but since everything has gone on with my family I have learned alot and I want to remember it in a few I am writing it here. Feel free to wait for another post about silly Micah!
The stuff that happened with my sister made me realize how little control I really have and also how much more I need to be depending on the Lord, reading His word and spending time listening to Him. Since then as I have been doing these things my heart has been a lot more restful. I mean I am still an anxious person so I am not saying I am altogether different. But I am coping much better. The Lord has also just been doing little things to encourage me. I am so thankful for that and for Him reminding me that He is the one who is in control. Just today things weren't easy but I met up with someone at the mall that I just met and maybe even developed a new friendship (always a blessing to me) and then just spending time with Aim's family and having a friend to just understand my entire situation and not judge me for it for a minute is such a blessing as well.
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