Tuesday, June 3, 2008

hot date with the hubby

We had a great night last night just hanging out Mick and I. We laughed and talked to each other not through Micah. I don't know if any of you do this or have friends that do but I swore we wouldn't and we do it terribly. You know you say Micah don't you wish daddy would turn down the tv. or Micah I wish daddy would bring me some water. You actually stop talking to your spouse and you use your child to communicate. I actually saw one of my friends do it yesterday and I felt better about myself knowing we weren't the only ones doing it! Anyways, the date was so good and I wish we could do it more often. We actually went to dinner and then to look at cars. Mick is trying to get something that doesn't guzzle the gas to save us some buckaroos. Not exactly romantic but we had fun doing it. Thanks Mick for a great date!

1 comment:

Alison said...

It was me! It was me! I did it again today at lunch with Doug - talking to him through Charlotte. Bad habit. Didn't even realize it until you pointed it out. Thanks! JK! :) Glad you had a good date!