Friday, February 26, 2010

my kid...

That is what Mick says when Micah does something weird or crazy...he's your kid. So today MY kid was cracking me up as usual. Just wanted to record a few things because that funny kid also lost my wire that connects my camera to the computer because he was using it for a lasso and then a jump rope. I think that I took it from him and put it someplace "safe" but now for the life of me I don't know where that safe place is...

So you are just stuck with words...ahh you can stop now and I'll never know.

Today at the mall we were walking around the gap and Micah saw a girl who looked to be 3 or 4 with a paci in her mouth. He was in the stroller but he just kept yelling...hey ...hey...girl, you are too big to have a paci!. I was pushing so fast but he just kept raising his voice and with our gargantuan stroller you can't really maneuver through the racks rapidly, when we finally got away he wanted to make sure I saw that girl that was too big to have a paci. I tried to explain to him we don't say stuff like that to people it might hurt their feelings...and might get mommy beat up. Goodness knows I'm not gonna judge someone not knowing what kind of battle that Mom has been through or what kind of day she had that made her decide to plug her cute little girl. Oh but my little legalist will!

When we got home from the mall Micah stayed downstairs while I went up with Sadie Jane...I come back down and he is sitting on the potty going. All by proud. I know, I know, enough with the poopin already. But he gets five m&m's and then head's off to nap. The boy loves some sugar and it seriously is like crack for him. An hour and a half later I thought he was long since asleep and he comes out the door, "did I take a good nap?" I could tell by his hair he hadn't slept a wink. Then he climbs back into bed amid a circle of his stuffed animals. I ask him what he has been doing all this time? He waves his arms at his stuffed pals and said "Just talking to everybody."

1 comment:

Amy said...

That's hilarious!!!