Way more cereal on the outside than the inside.

ahhh...here he comes with another bite!!

Sadie Jane's one visible eye says it all...it's like she is annoyed yet understands it is her brother's way...

Back atcha Momma!

Trying again...taken by Micahbird.

Micah insisted on trying it and insisted it tasted good. But did not want another bite:)

Sadie Jane went for her four month check up yesterday and is doing really well. She is 16 pounds and 24 inches tall. She is still in the 95th percentile for her weight but only the 50th for her heigth:) Today we started cereal in hopes to help with the reflux and to possibly curb her ravenous appetite. Girl loves to eat every three hours and sometimes I would like a little break as her constant snack bar. True to form she didn't really know what to do and even with Micah helping shovel some in, she still just smiled and did her best. I hope she continues that way, it is a good characteristic. One I don't think she got from her Momma...
I know you are all tired of my pityparty posts so I will just leave it for the record books today that it had been a doozy. satan is alive and well and I want him to just get out of my house. In the Bible study I am doing it talks about often times us blaming hard situations on God putting us through something to teach us something...but it could possibly be Him allowing satan to try us and not actually God at all. So while God is teaching me things through circumstance I have to acknowledge (and rebuke) satan trying to gain a foothold by tempting me to focus on what isn't going well. Instead of what is...
like this beautiful cereal eating girl!

I can't believe she is growing up so fast and how sweet is her big brother? awww.
She is tooo precious and so is her big brother. Wish we lived closer so we could see all of you more often. Oh well we will just have to settle on the internet. I dont know what we would do without it. Love all of you sissy
Mickey and I talked about God testing us vs. satan tempting us. It is so easy to give in and get mad, I want to often...
I then try to think of my two little wonderful healthy daughters which are such a special gift from God! I decided this week that I was not going to let school, dirty house, or broken car get me down - because life to too short and God is too good!
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