Well, this post has ended up way too long and I should be working right now. The boy is finally asleep. The last little snipit of his day is when I was trying to put him down I would stand outside his door and I kept hearing a grinding sound. I thought he is chewing a whole in the bed (his gigantic teething ring) Well, I walk in and look and low and behold he is grinding his teeth! He is getting two up top and I had no idea...they just crept out. He had been downing teething tablets but I hadn't seen a sign of teeth until today...Ok, enoughs enough! Have a great week and if you are still reading thanks for your love! There must be lots for us for you to read this novel!
Monday, February 25, 2008
My best friend that is Micah
For those of you who know me well you know that I have about 27 best friends. All of you that were in my wedding and many who weren't all have best friend titles. My best friend since birth, my best friend from high school, my best friend that was my roommate...etc. You get the point. Well, today as I was holding Micah the thought hit me that he has become one of my best friends too. I love just hanging out with him. While our communication is much different than my other best friends he has become one nonetheless. Today has been a Monday in so many ways. I have tried to work today but had to stop and take these pictures, I mean by him doing these things I was already interrupted. So to all of you that say oh it must be so nice to be able to have him with you while you work(which it is and I am thankful, BUT) ...sometimes not so much.
This is Micah's bandstand. It kept him occupied while I cut things our for a bulletin board at work. He loves to dance while I sing "play that funky music white boy.."
When I work on the computer I pretty much let Micah have free reign in the office so I can finish emails, etc. When I looked down today this is what I saw. The boy ate half the paper in the trash can I think.
This is the big jumbo box of goldfish that I unashamedly go through in a week. They are my guilty pleasure and if you don't put them in a bowl you have no idea how many you just ate....like half the box. Mick makes so much fun of my little snack addiction and he is going to die when he finds out Micah has joined me. Probably not one of my better choices but my child still only eats baby foods...he likes it to just slide down no work involved. We have been working on a few pieces of bread or the puffs but still there is lots of gagging involved. So, I thought lets just see what he'll do with goldfish...he is my son. He just kept coming back for more. Not a gag or even a cough in site. It was so funny both of us sitting there on the couch eating our snack together.
Well, this post has ended up way too long and I should be working right now. The boy is finally asleep. The last little snipit of his day is when I was trying to put him down I would stand outside his door and I kept hearing a grinding sound. I thought he is chewing a whole in the bed (his gigantic teething ring) Well, I walk in and look and low and behold he is grinding his teeth! He is getting two up top and I had no idea...they just crept out. He had been downing teething tablets but I hadn't seen a sign of teeth until today...Ok, enoughs enough! Have a great week and if you are still reading thanks for your love! There must be lots for us for you to read this novel!
Well, this post has ended up way too long and I should be working right now. The boy is finally asleep. The last little snipit of his day is when I was trying to put him down I would stand outside his door and I kept hearing a grinding sound. I thought he is chewing a whole in the bed (his gigantic teething ring) Well, I walk in and look and low and behold he is grinding his teeth! He is getting two up top and I had no idea...they just crept out. He had been downing teething tablets but I hadn't seen a sign of teeth until today...Ok, enoughs enough! Have a great week and if you are still reading thanks for your love! There must be lots for us for you to read this novel!
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I'm so glad you update this so often! I just love getting on to see what Micah Reed is up to! How funny that he eats goldfish! I told you he needs to hang out with Aunt Amy more so that he is introduced to foods other than just those his mommy likes. :-)
Good luck Wednesday!!!!!
Stephanie, this brought a smile to my face and a chuckle too. Oh do I have a lot to look forward to. I am amazed that you are able to get any work done. At least mine still can't really move unless I move her. Thanks for sharing. It is always fun to read your stories. :)
no i admire you for keeping him around while working. another friend was able to do that for like 9 months or so and i was amazed. once miller started crawling, it was all over.
i loved the best friend part. it's so true. i spend more time with miller than with anyone else in the world.
You make me laugh Stephanie-you write like you talk; I love it! I'm glad I have another blog to read now! Micah is too cute! I can't wait for pictures of he and Paxton together!
I loved this post! That goldfish box is about as big as he is. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Also, why don't you see if you can convince Amy to start a blog since she likes yours so much!!
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