I haven't mentioned my sister lately because I haven't felt this is the place to do it. We found out she was pregnant over Christmas and she started living with my parents then. God has been good to her in a lot of ways and I pray that she just continues on the path that she has recently started on. She gave birth on April 1st to a precious baby boy, Chase. He weighed 7 pounds and 12 ounces. He is just too cute. She is doing well and I am proud of her for pressing on. Please pray for her in these next few weeks especially. For those that know me I am sure you are thinking, this sure is a surface post, and you are so right. Maybe one day I'll let out all this stuff, or maybe not.

Oh Steph, really praying. Would love to have a good heart to heart over the phone sometime...or maybe e-mail too. Love you~
He is beautiful. Each is a gift from God! We will be praying hard!
Always...and will continue to be...in my prayers!
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