Anyways, I stole them from the excellent photographer...www.splitsecondphotography.com ...hint...hint...big plug for the best!
The point of this post is about the babies in those pictures not the pictures themselves. Yesterday I had a not so good day. A couple of things happened that made me upset and anxious. Details aren't the point, but someone at work upset me and questioned my integrity. I haven't really been preoccupied with something like that since Micah has become so verbal unless it was actually BECAUSE of Micah himself. So he asks me in the car on the way home, why I was so upset. I told him that someone thought I told a story. He immediately responded "I will tell _______, don't say that to my mommy!" I said thank you Micah, do you protect me and he said oh yes! Just melted my heart his empathy and love. Funny how he can upset me like that and not really care but if someone else does...watch out he is coming for you. I am just a little worried what will come out of his mouth when we see this person next.
Then there is my sweet Sadie Jane, we had some alone time together today and she is still just the sweetest gift from the Lord. We talked and laughed and smiled and she snuggled. Thank you Jesus for showing me your love through my precious children...well Your precious children. Amen.
Girl, why does work have to stink sometimes? Not the greatest day for me either! Hang in there! Im glad God still choses to show us he is still there and His love in special ways. I also have an "idea" Ive been thinking on that I will send you in an email. Had an amazing time the other night! We love you guys!
I second the work comment. People just don't think and they are selfish! I always have to remind myself that people are going to hurt me and I have to brush it off. So hard though! Thanks for the plug. ;) Next time try clicking on the photo to enlarge it first and then right click to download. See if that helps? Plus, I kind of put photos with low resolution on the blogs on purpose because I don't want random other people to steal them (people are weird these days. ha!) I can send them to you through Shutterfly or something too. Love you!!
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