Monday, January 4, 2010

My first negative blog experience...

I have had friends who have questioned blogging because of responses and misunderstandings regarding their blogs. I have always told them not to worry about it and to keep being themselves. I almost always prayerfully consider and mull over what I am writing for a few days before I post something...especially if it was something like my "Dear Friends" post. Then just a little while ago I happened to scroll down and realize I had gotten another comment...this is what I got to read:

Is this to a particular person? Because in all honesty, if this is how you feel and you want to make amends with those friends, then you should be sitting down and talking to whoever it is in person, instead of making a blanket blog post to everyone and expecting forgiveness. many thing I want to say and since they posted as anonymous I have no way in knowing who in the world thinks of me this way or read the blog in a way that they thought I was seeking true forgiveness for a true wrong. Unfortunately satan has already used it to make me question almost every friendship I have...except those who had already posted:) So, my only recourse (which I really wish I didn't feel the need to justify myself...but you all know me and apparently if this person reads my blog they would know I couldn't just brush this off) but if whoever wrote this is a "friend" of mine I know them very little and they know me even less. But here is my response:

First of all whoever you are you are welcome to email me next time or just leave your name if you have something negative to say so that way we can have this discussion privately. Secondly this was NOT to a particular person at all. I even told Mick to read it because it covered him as well. It truly was meant to be a blanket blog for others to relate to and for me to say a small piece of what is happening in this season of my life. I was not truly asking forgiveness in a way of intentionally feeling I had wronged someone. I think I even said that I wasn't really sorry because I am only distant from friends because I am busy with area God has called me to before anything else. I am torn between the two but know that what I am doing is most important. I would always apologize to whoever I felt I had wronged personally, not on my blog. I don't feel that I need forgiveness from anyone about this stage in my life unless they come to me and are hurt by something I have done. I am thinking obviously whoever wrote this might feel wronged by me and I would love to make that right...please give me that opportunity though. Maybe I am mistaken but most of my friends are in similar positions as me (thus why I wrote the blog) and I wrote the blog to be just what it extension of what I am feeling at this time.

So now I will obviously take some time to rethink the purpose of my blog. Obviously I want the Lord to be glorified in all I do and say and WRITE and if I am being misunderstood here I want to fix that if possible. I do want to know if I have wronged someone and I do want to hear others opinions it is just hard for me if I can not respond to them. Thus, this extremely long post. If anyone else took this post the way the anonymous commenter did then please let me know and I do apologize if you felt I was trying to skirt a personal issue with someone in particular. Perhaps my lack of writing skills made it seem that way but it just wasn't the case. To be continued for now...


EMU said...

Yikes! I hate anonymous posts -- I have had a few myself and they always make me feel bad. Once my hubby even deleted one before I read it because he knew how upset I would be if I read it. My thought is that if someone is lame enough to say something rude and not leave their name, they aren't worth your time.

And I totally understood what you were trying to get across. Sorry that other person didn't get it -- must not be a mama!

blakley said...

Oh man! I have experienced those kind of responses before too. Don't pay attention to it. I enjoy reading your blog because you are real! Don't give that comment a second thought!

Wendy Eidson said...

Life is too short to even worry about those people - you know that I don't...

Anne Marie said...

I think what you wrote in your post to your friends was beautiful and just what you intended it to be. Don't ever be discouraged about your call to being a wife first and a mother. Yes friendships are beautiful and given by God as well, but your true friends stick around thick and then and they are the ones when you pick up the phone a month later to chat, it seems like the last time you spoke was yesterday. As much as someone could have misunderstood your blog post, the same could be said for the way they posted anonymously. I would continue seeking to glorify God through your postings, because I know they have helped me ;) Sorry so long, but I hope your are encouraged to continue doing as you are called! Much love.

MissingMyIsaac said...

Steph the thing I love most about your blog is that you are always YOU and not who you think others might want you to be. You are honest about all of it ... the good, bad, and the ugly. I think that's an admirable quality.

Just remember you will never please everyone else, but that's not the point of your blog anyways. Your experiences, your joys, and your struggles are YOURS, and you deserve to write about them honestly.

And in regards to the initial post .... I am quite positive all your mama friends feel the same way and struggle to find that happy balance between Mommyhood and Personal identity. I'm almost 6yrs into it and I still haven't found the balance. It is beyond frustrating but I just keep thinking that surely with time it will come!

xoxo :)Kristi

Sarah said...

Don't let Satan get you down my friend! I hate that he knows where we are weaker or vulnerable and pounces when he can...sneaky devil he is!

I love your blog and enjoyed reading your Dear Friends post!

Love you!

(it wasn't me!) ha

Ginny Underwood said...

Oh just blow them off. It's not worth worrying over!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...I ALWAYS post anonymously but I ALWAYS add my initials. I just know that YOU know who it is - anyway, I love your posts and I knew exactly what you meant. Maybe whomever wrote that was having a bad day or maybe they envy you being able to be honest and speak from the heart. mkm (alias Melinda)

Amy said...

oh-that's so sad!! I wonder if there is some way to see where it came from? I have a sitemeter on mine, and could possibly see the time of the post and go from there. That's just the investigator side of me!
Love you! Don't let it get you down!

The Kimmels said...

oh no! I despise anonymous comments (for the record ;) I'm sorry that happened and don't let it discourage you. I ADORE your blog and "2nd" all of the previous comments from your true friends. I especially agree with the comment about your blog being YOU and your REAL friends know that. Love you bunches.