and He is for us. Our sunday school lesson this week was on the thought or fact really that if we believed the truth that God is for us and wants what is best for us how then would we live our lives? I am trying to conciously believe that and have faith that God is truly for me each and every day, no matter the circumstantial situation I am in. I have had a hard time writing anything on the blog since the anonymous commenter left their mark. I overanalyze each subject I want to write about now and whether it will be understood or whether I will accidentally offend. But even in that I know that God is in control and I can not live my life controlled by what others think of me...I have to trust that God is indeed for me even in that. Somehow using it to refine me and make me more like Jesus.
As for the pictures...they are of Micahbird and his Baby Sister...that is what he calls her. Only if you ask her name will he actually say Sadie Jane. These picture are of him caring for her. While the adjustment period has been really hard for Micah with us (worst day ever yesterday and another post entirely) but he has never balked once at the fact that he is SayJ's big brother and that his responsibility is to help care for her. It is a parallel that falls pretty short but when I went to download these pictures and I was thinking about this post it made me think about the way that Say J looks at Micah. He had come down from his nap and loaded SayJ down with his favorite meant so much to see him do that because he is so territorial with them. Yet without thinking anything about it, he covered his baby sister up and shared! She just loves him, you can tell. And He absolutely loves her. He always wants to take care of her and there isn't any doubt to her or to us that Micah will look out for her. I feel like this is true (to the extent of a two year old loyalty:)) Yet sometimes I can't understand God, someone infinitely greater than my sinful little son is for me all the time. He would give me his "Lamby" or blankie and he would do anything for me. Just a thought. A far stretch of thought but I did get two posts into one nonetheless!
Bump the rude person and their silly comments. Post on!!! You are so secure in who you are and who Christ is in you and that probably makes certain "someones" insecure thus the comment! Everyone has bad days and everyone has good days, no one can balance the areas of their lives perfectly and that isn't what matters. What matters is that you seek to please the King. Much respect, keep posting, I enjoy reading your real life stories, emotions, problems and victories! Love ya'll!
Love the sweet pictures of Micah and his "Baby Sister!" The title of your post makes me sing that song "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there is nothing my God cannot do." At least I think those are the words! Haha.
Thanks for the reminder that God is so big and present! No matter our stage of life!
Looking forward to Sunday!Love you all!
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